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Rodger: The charismatic leader of the group, haunted by a dark secret from his past

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Rodger: The charismatic leader of the group, haunted by a dark secret from his past.

Josh: The joker of the group, always ready with a witty remark but hiding a troubled past

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Josh: The joker of the group, always ready with a witty remark but hiding a troubled past

Josh: The joker of the group, always ready with a witty remark but hiding a troubled past

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Taylor: The adventurous one, who is eager to get out and soak up the sun.

Taylor: The adventurous one, who is eager to get out and soak up the sun

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Charmaine: The bookish member of the group, with a keen eye for detail.

Jeremy: The quiet one, who always seems to be watching from the sidelines

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Jeremy: The quiet one, who always seems to be watching from the sidelines.

Jeremy: The quiet one, who always seems to be watching from the sidelines

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Allison: The empathetic friend, who can sense when something is amiss.

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