Episode 27: I Hate German!

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I think I'm dead.

I don't feel anything anymore. Around me, there's neither water nor wind. I don't have a body anymore. I don't exist. 

And if I don't feel my body anymore, the conclusion is clear: I'm dead. 

Maybe I melted into the ocean. If that's the case, then the salty water is my body, and the sharks in the water are also my body, so they won't attack me. It would be like attacking themselves. It would be nonsense. 

Everything beneath me is a blue illusion. The vast bed of water that keeps rising and falling, then rising again... it's all a crappy illusion. A lie. It's dark all around. Up and down. Total darkness. The moon is no longer visible, not even a single star. 

Is this what Hell looks like? Darkness heavier than tar and nothing else? 

Yes, I'm afraid that's what death must be like.


If I hear the girl talking, it means my ears aren't dead. They're all I have left: two ears poking out of the water. The girl's voice and the constant splashing of water are part of my personal hell. It seems like there are thunderstorms in the distance.


I think the girl is living her last moments. She's delirious. Her words interspersed with moans are in German. Then comes crying and sighs, and again words in German. 

Always German!

I hate the German language. I'm glad I never learned it. If I understood every word the girl said, I'd probably have gone insane long ago. 

I want to tell her to stop, but it would be a useless waste of energy. Every word sticks in my throat and causes a bloody wound there. Only a groan escapes my lips.


Hmm... If she wants water, why doesn't she drink the salty water and be done with it? After that, she should just shut up for good. 

What irony! There's so much water everywhere, so much bitter water around me, and I can't touch it. During the day, I've tried to drink this brine a few times. I spat it out immediately. It's the saltiest water I've ever tasted. How do fish live in this water? 

Maybe she's already drunk salty water. Maybe it's better for her that she's lost her mind. If salty water makes you lose your mind, then I'll drink as much as I can too.


"D... d... damn!"

I can't stand her senseless crying and babbling. I absolutely need to get rid of her. 

Yes! Let everyone go their own way. 

I try to do it, but my arms are paralyzed, they refuse to listen to me anymore. If I could break the ties between us, it would be a blessing. I shouldn't have saved her. I was an idiot! It was a mistake. You bring me bad luck! You, witch with black eyes!

Only you!

If it weren't for you, none of this crap would have happened. From the moment you threw that look at me, everything started going wrong for me, and the people around me started dying. Because you're a damned witch, a creature from hell. 

Something touches my leg again, and I scream with all my might. Something... what? 

Is it Death? Is Death lurking beneath the water? 

Oh God, I was joking when I said I wanted to die! How can you believe all the nonsense I say? Please, don't listen to me anymore! 

My head hurts, and that means I'm not dead. I have a head, and it hurts. I know the sharks were scared by my screams and ran away. I know I have a head on my shoulders. I know I'm alive. 

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