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I slowly rise from my bed, taking off my sleep mask and stretched my arms. I grabgrabbed the Jug and glass from the nightstand and pour water. Stay hydrated.

My nanny(still) , Martha opened the door saying "Happy Birthday, Hee-na! "a wide smile spread on her wrinkled face. She took me in her embrace and I thanks her.

Martha was an old lady in her late 60s, she work in our house after my parents got married. I've known her my whole life. Especially after mother's passed, she's the one who always take care of me.

"Your dress had arrived" she said pointing towards the casket on the sofa.I hurried to it and opened the box to find the majestic dress custom made for me.

"What about the heels? " she hesitated for a while, "I'm really sorry to say that your sister had already buy that heels. But don't be mad. There was a bit like that design, you can get that".

Mina stole my freaking heels. No other words to put it.

And I was not so happy that my father invited her fiance, even in dinner, where I only invited my friends . Really wish I couldn't see that pervert's face again.

Shock was understatement when I found out that he's Mina's fiance. But I was relieved when he did not mention about our encounter.

" But I want "that" heels" I groaned.

She caressed my hair and sat me down, "I know, Dear. I really wish you can but you know how you're sister is. There will just be more beef between you and those mother and daughter" she assured.

Martha despised them as much as I did. She also evident their gold digging ways extera.

She was the only person I like in this house except my dad. She treated me like her own as her husband and daughter passed away in an accident a decades ago.

I've already prepared your bath, you should go. Remember it's your day and don't let anything ruin it" she pushed me inside my bathroom.

As always, my phone and a glass Strawberry smoothie were on the tray upon the tub.

I stripped off my nightgown and drown my body in the water.
  So relaxing.

I grabbed my phone and turned the internet on. Notifications blew up on the screen. Friends, relatives and some people I don't even know wish me on social medias.

I opened my father's message first.

Daddy-Happiest Birthday, my baby. I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you this time but I already sent your gift and I promised we'll have dinner somewhere after we come home. I love you so much.

My dad went on a business trip in another country,he took my step-mother with him as she insisted on going saying shits like 'You don't spend time with me.. Blablabla'. They'll be back next week.

I replied him and check my friends' wishes and thanks them, last I check James' story. The bish use a picture of me sleeping with my mouth wide open on the couch with a caption 'Happy birthday, Sleepy Bish'.

I walked out after a long bath. Martha had put my outfits on the bed.

I sat infront of my dressing table and apply lotions on my body and cream on my face. I'm not like other girls. I don't use makeup, just be natural. Gotcha bithchesss!  I know you are probably like"what a pick me".

I did my face in a soft makeup with pink lip tint and some eyeshadow when Mina walked in without knocking.

"Happy Birthday, Little sissy" , she sang in her fake excitement voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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