" Unleashed Furry"

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James : now it's time leave everything and rest in peace and don't worry about your luna she will be in jail because she been helping you all this time  (he smirked Evily)

Gabriel:You betrayed me... Don't forget that your mother is alone at home (he clenched his jaw)

(James jaw dropped)
Think u could make me scared huh not gonna work  ?.... sorry I have to do this

He took his steps towards the door

James: Oh, you think you're so clever, don't you? Threatening me with my mother? Well, guess what, Gabriel? You're the one who betrayed me first. And now, it's time for you to pay the price.

Gabriel: You think I'm scared of your empty threats, James? You're just a sad excuse for a villain. You may think you're in control, but you're. nothing more than a puppet on someone else's strings.

James: Keep talking, Gabriel. It won't save you from what's coming. Luna may have been fooled by your charms, but I know the truth. She'll pay for her loyalty to you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Gabriel: You underestimate the power of love, James. Luna is stronger than you'll ever be. She won't let you tear us apart. We'll fight until the bitter end, and you'll be left with nothing but regret.

James: Regret? Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word. I've come too far to back down now. Your little love story ends here, Gabriel. Say goodbye to your precious Luna, because she'll be locked away, just like you deserve.

Gabriel: We'll see about that, James. You may think you have all the control, but fate has a funny way of turning the tables. Just remember, every action has consequences, and you'll soon learn that the hard way.

James: Enjoy your last moments of freedom, Gabriel. It won't be long before everything you hold dear crumbles to dust. And as for you, Luna, your days of playing the innocent are over

James:Luna put your gun down and think...you will have very wonderful lifestyle i assure you-

James: You've pushed me too far, Gabriel. It's time to settle this once and for all.

Gabriel: Oh, James, you have no idea what you're up against. Prepare to witness true ruthlessness.

(They engage in a brutal battle, each strike filled with a ferocity that sends shockwaves through the air.)

James: Is that the best you can do, Gabriel? Your feeble attempts won't save you from your impending doom.

Gabriel: Feeble? Ha! I'll show you feeble, James. You're about to experience pain like you've never imagined.

(With every blow, Gabriel's ruthless nature becomes more evident, leaving James struggling to keep up.)

James: You think you can defeat me with your pitiful display of aggression? I've faced stronger opponents than you.

Gabriel: Stronger opponents? They were nothing compared to the depths of my ruthlessness, James. You'll soon regret underestimating me.

(As the fight intensifies, Gabriel's ruthless demeanor only grows, his every move calculated to inflict maximum damage.)

James: You're just a savage, Gabriel. You have no honor, no principles. You're nothing but a monster.

Gabriel: Honor? Principles? Those are just weaknesses that hold you back, James. In this world, only the ruthless survive.

(With a surge of merciless energy, Gabriel delivers a devastating blow, leaving James gasping for breath.)

James: You... you're a monster, Gabriel. There's no humanity left in you.

Gabriel: Humanity? It's a luxury I can't afford, James. Survival requires sacrifices, even if it means shedding every ounce of compassion.

(With a final ruthless strike, Gabriel overpowers James, leaving him defeated and broken.)

Gabriel: It's over, James. Your reign of tyranny ends here. Prepare to face the consequences of your actions.

James: You may have won this battle, Gabriel, but remember this - your ruthlessness will consume you in the end.

Gabriel: Perhaps, James. But for now, I'll embrace my ruthless nature to protect what I hold dear. And I'll make sure your darkness never taints this world again.

(They stand amidst the aftermath of their brutal fight, knowing that their paths will cross again, each driven by their own unwavering beliefs.)

Gabriel:  James, you thought it would be wise to mess with me? Big mistake, my friend.

James: please, I didn't mean to cross any lines. Let's settle this peacefully.

Gabriel: Peaceful? That ship sailed the moment you dared to utter Luna's name in your pathetic attempts to intimidate me.

James: I-I didn't mean any harm, Gabriel. I was just caught up in the heat of the moment.

Gabriel: Heat of the moment? You have no idea what real heat feels like, James. But I'll give you a taste if you don't watch your words.

(he clenched on his fist as he gave a hard punch on James face which made him fall on the ground)

James: Okay, okay, I get it. I'll back off. Just please don't do anything rash.

(He was trying to sound strong as he was lying on the ground weakly)

Gabriel: Rash? You think I'm some loose cannon? No, James. I'm a calculated force to be reckoned with. And you've just become my next target.

(he kneeled down to James 's level as his hands brushed the hair in frustration)

James:, let's not escalate this any further. We can find a way to resolve our differences peacefully.

Gabriel: Peaceful resolutions are for the weak, James. I'm not interested in playing nice. Consider yourself warned. (His eyes darkned as he said)

James: Fine, have it your way. But remember, Gabriel, there are consequences to your actions.

(He said as he was gasping for air as he lays on the ground wounded)

Gabriel: Consequences? I'm well aware, James. And believe me, you're about to experience them firsthand.

(He chuckled as he got up and wipped off the blood on his lips)

(With a evil smile, Gabriel walks away, leaving James to ponder the dangerous path he has chosen.)

"Damn it ,did I just awake a beast?!"
(James mumbled to himself)

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