Beauty and the Beast.

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Man, I have been spoiling your guys lately with quick updates

Mikaelson Mansion

The night of the ball had finally arrived. Cars lined the driveway in front of the Mikaelson mansion, and inside, the party was in full swing. People were mingling and chatting, while a live band played classical music in the background. Klaus was welcoming guests at the door, but when Cassandra arrived, she made it clear that she wasn't there to play by the rules.

As Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena went ahead of her, i took a moment to steady my nerves with a glass of wine. When one of Klaus' attendants tried to ask me my name, i brushed him off with a curt reply. "No, you may not," she said before striding into the party.

I entered the room, i could feel the weight of dozens of eyes on me. Turning to find the source of the attention, i locked eyes with Klaus himself, who was staring at me with a mix of awe and amusement. It was clear that i had made an impression, and i had no intention of backing down.

"Good evening," Klaus greeted me with a charming smile, though i could see a hint of disappointment in his eyes as he took in my outfit. It was clear he had expected me to wear the dress he sent, but i had no intention of playing into his games.

"Yeah, I'm going to need something stronger if I'm going to tolerate this little soiree," i quipped, eyeing the drink in his hand.

Klaus laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Ah, Pandora, always so delightfully unpredictable. What can I offer you then, if not my hospitality?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'd say you can start by not sending me unwanted gifts and invitations. But since we're already here, let's make it a whiskey neat, shall we?"

Klaus chuckled and signaled to a nearby waiter. "You heard the lady. A whiskey neat for her, and make it a double."

As the waiter scurried off to fulfill my order, i turned to Klaus with a smirk. "Now, let's get this party started, shall we?"

Just as i was making my escape from Klaus, the sound of a glass being tapped caught everyone's attention. The Mikaelson clan was standing at the top of the grand staircase, with Elijah at the forefront.

"Welcome, and thank you for joining us this evening," Elijah began, his voice echoing through the room. "It's been quite some time since our family has had the opportunity to gather like this. To commemorate this special occasion, I propose we begin the evening with a dance."

The crowd murmured in excitement as the band struck up a lively waltz. Couples began pairing off and making their way to the dance floor.

I rolled my eyes, but before i could slip away, Klaus was at my side once again. "It seems we're fated to share this dance, my dear," he purred, offering her his hand.

I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options. I could cause a scene and storm out, but that would only give Klaus the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten to her. No, i would stay and play his game, at least for now.

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