Chapter 3

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"Cheers, mate!" Imran grinned as he collected his change from the vendor at the bustling street-side eatery. He scooped up two steaming parcels and made his way briskly back to his car.

With an easy grin still playing on his lips, Imran handed a hot parcel to Safiya, who was rhythmically drumming her fingers on the dashboard in impatience. "Caught the last one just in time," he said with a chuckle, sliding smoothly into the driver's seat.

"Finally!" Safiya tore into the package, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the burger. "Oh, this is heavenly disgusting," she mumbled through a mouthful, her words dripping with irony.

Imran made a face. "You manage to make eating a burger look like a surgical operation."

"So?" she suddenly asked, catching Imran off guard.

"So what?" he replied, pulling a tissue from the dashboard and placing it over his thigh.

"So, what's next? We're flying out tonight?" she asked, her voice turning serious as she wiped her hands with a napkin, ready to switch gears back to their mission.

A gentle hint of surprise appeared on Imran's face. "I bet you've already booked our tickets to Canada. You're always three steps ahead, aren't you?" Safiya's tone was both accusatory and admiring, knowing full well Imran's methodical nature.

"Yeah, Amina's trail leads to Canada. Got our tickets ready," Imran's tone was nonchalant, but his fingers tapped against the steering wheel, betraying his anxiety.

Safiya paused, a fry halfway to her lips. "Canada, huh? This is getting serious."

"The factory," Safiya interjected after a small pause, her tone turning serious. "It's been shut down for years. How did Amina end up there? And the watchman claims he saw nothing?"

"Claims," Imran scoffed. "But I don't buy it. Something's off. He's too rehearsed."

Safiya nodded, her expression thoughtful. "And the distance from the entrance to where we found her... It's quite a trek. No way he patrolled that area like he claimed."

Imran tapped the steering wheel, his gaze distant. "Exactly, and that haunted tale he spun? Convenient excuse to avoid doing rounds."

Safiya's chuckle was dry. "Ghost stories are the last refuge of a guilty man."

The conversation hung in the air as Safiya's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Safiya glanced at the screen, her eyebrows arching mischievously. "Oh, look who's calling—Dr. Saleem herself," she quipped, an amused smirk playing on her lips.

Imran frowned slightly, a look of mild annoyance flickering across his face. "Not her again. Why is she always tangled up in our cases?" he grumbled under his breath, his tone laced with reluctant respect.

Safiya, sensing an opportunity to tease, leaned closer, her voice teasing as she spoke into the phone. "As-salamu alaykum, Dr. Nadia."

"Safiya, you both need to come to the hospital now. It's Amina—she's awake, and there's been an incident," Dr. Saleem's voice was tense, each word heavy with urgency.

The light-hearted mood evaporated instantly as Imran started the engine, his movements crisp and efficient. Safiya buckled up, her face mirroring Imran's newfound concern.

As they reached the hospital room, the corridor's silence felt unusually heavy, a stark contrast to its typical bustling energy. Through the glass pane of the door, Safiya and Imran could see Amina, awake and visibly distressed, her eyes flickering with confusion and fear. Dr. Nadia Saleem and Dr. Hadi were by her side, their attempts to comfort her seeming futile.

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