Chapter 5

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Wherever her gaze reached, there was darkness, and from the end of that darkness came a sound—part hum, part whisper. A melody that one's mind doesn't want to hear, yet fearfully listens to. Despite her mind's protests, her feet followed the tune. Each time she passed through a large doorway, her moist eyes desperately sought help, one alley after another disappearing. Her steps faltered, her breath caught. Her voice seemed choked in her throat, unable to scream even if she wanted to. 

As the darkness deepened, Amina glimpsed a shadow emerging from beyond. In one hand, a sharply gleaming object; from his lips, a whistle, piercing yet playful, each note dripping with malice. Behind him, a sinister laugh echoed, sending shivers down Amina's spine. Frozen in terror, she could feel the sadistic delight in his haunting melody, 'I can see you from behind', echoing around her like a twisted serenade

Amina jolted awake and found herself in the room, gasping for air. It took her a moment to realise she was safe. The darkness around her felt threatening, but her eyes soon landed on Imran, who was sleeping awkwardly on a chair beside her bed. His head was tilted against the wall, arms loosely crossed with one hand still clutching his phone, seemingly fallen asleep mid-scroll. His even breathing, a gentle rhythm, sharply contrasted with the tense set of his shoulders and the faint lines of fatigue etched across his forehead. In the dim room light, he looked both guarded and vulnerable, a silent sentinel in the quiet night.

"Just a bad dream," Amina murmured to herself.

Amina's gaze lingered around the room, her senses heightened by the remnants of her nightmare. Feeling a residual chill, she instinctively rubbed her arms. As she glanced at the bedside table, a sudden dryness in her throat compelled her to reach for a jar of water. Her movements were slow, cautious, as if afraid the shadow from her dream might materialize. Struggling with her swollen, painful hand, she managed to fill a glass without disturbing Imran. Yet, just as she attempted to lift it, her grip faltered. The steel glass slipped from her shaky grasp, clattering loudly to the floor. Startled by the noise, Imran bolted upright, his instincts kicking in as he drew his gun reflexively. The sight of the gun made Amina flinch back, her heart racing with fresh fear.

Imran noticed Amina's fear and quickly holstered his gun back into his pants. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with both nervousness and concern. He was worried about how Amina would question him about the gun.

However, Amina didn't ask anything about it. Although she was initially startled by the sight of the gun, a glance into Imran's eyes reassured her. There was a confidence there that told her Imran would never harm her. She might not remember her past life, but she was certain of one thing—she was safe with Imran.

"Yes," Amina finally responded after a pause.

For a long while, Amina continued to gaze at Imran, lost in thought, and during this time, Imran also wondered what he should say next to convince her. Thankfully, neither of them broached the subject.

Occasionally, Imran would look at Amina and then avert his eyes, repeating this several times until Amina finally broke the silence. "Listen," she said softly.

Imran's eyes were fixed on her lips, noticing how dry they were, which made Amina blush slightly. Realising his gaze was making her uncomfortable, he quickly shifted his focus.

"Do you need some water?" Imran asked, as he picked up a steel glass from the floor.

Imran held the steel glass carefully, his approach tentative as he sat down beside Amina on the edge of the hospital bed. The room was quiet, punctuated only by the soft beeps of the monitor, creating a backdrop to the subtle drama unfolding between them. As he lifted the glass to her lips, his hand was steady, but his posture betrayed a certain rigidity, as if he were careful not to overstep an unseen boundary.

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