Chapter 7

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In Amina's ward, the atmosphere mirrored that of a dulhan's bidai. Hospital staff, including ward boys, nurses, and even a few patients with IVs dangling from their wrists, had all gathered to say their goodbyes.

Imran stayed in the room, collecting all the stuffs, Amina had used and are unfinished in the hospital room. Besides him lays a neatly folded Duppata and a basic keypad cellphone. The door to the washroom opens and Amina walks in with the nurse, changed into salwar kameez whose duppata is resting on the bed.

As Imran glanced towards Amina, something about her stopped him cold. Gone were the stark hospital robes, replaced by a salwar kameez that seemed to breathe life back into her. The soft fabric clung gently to her, highlighting the subtle curves of her body in a modest, yet undeniably elegant way.

Her hair, which had always been wild and untamed during her hospital stay, cascaded freely down her shoulders now, framing her face beautifully. The sunlight streaming through the window caught in her curls, making them glow like a halo around her. As she moved, her hair swayed gently, catching the light and casting shifting patterns on the floor beside her.

Imran's eyes traced the movement of her hair, then her eyes-those deep, expressive eyes that seemed to pull him in every time they met his. He felt his breath catch in his throat, his heart thumping loudly enough that he was sure she could hear it. For a moment, time seemed to slow down as he watched her adjust the dupatta loosely draped over her head, her fingers brushing lightly against her hair.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, trying to compose himself. Amina glanced up suddenly, her eyes meeting his, and in that split second, a spark of something unspoken passed between them. Her gaze was steady, but he could see a flicker of something-a gentle curiosity, maybe even a hint of amusement at his intense observation.

Imran took a deep breath, trying to steady the uneven rhythm of his pulse. He realized he was holding his breath each time she moved, captivated by the simple elegance of her gestures. As she tucked a stray curl behind her ear, her lips parted in a slight smile, and it was all Imran could do not to step closer.

"SubhanAllah," Imran murmured under his breath, the words slipping out unbidden as he watched Amina adjust her dupatta with such grace, despite the evident pain. The quiet exclamation, a mixture of awe and reverence for the moment, barely reached beyond his lips.

Amina, her hands pausing in the motion of setting the fabric, looked up, her eyes searching Imran's. Had she really heard him? The faintest hint of a blush crept over her cheeks as she caught the intensity of his gaze, a gaze that seemed to speak volumes more than the whispered praise. She wondered if she had imagined the words, but the warmth in his eyes confirmed they were real.

Imran, realizing she had caught the soft exclamation, felt a sudden heat rise to his cheeks. The room suddenly seemed smaller, warmer, as if the air itself buzzed with the quiet acknowledgment of the connection growing between them. He swallowed hard, feeling inexplicably nervous under her gentle scrutiny.

Just then, the nurse returned, her timely arrival cutting through the thickening atmosphere. "We're ready to go, Amina," she announced cheerfully, oblivious to the charged silence she had interrupted. She offered Amina a supportive arm, helping her to her feet.

Imran took a deep breath, grateful for the interruption. As Amina was led away, he lingered for a moment, watching her go. The slight flush on her face, a soft glow from the modest blush, stayed with him as she moved out of the ward. He was left with a lingering sense of something profound stirring, something he was only just beginning to understand.

As the nurse and Amina disappeared around the corner, Imran exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. The room cooled once more, and he was left to gather his thoughts, the echo of his own words softly ringing in his ears, marking a moment of unexpected revelation.

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