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Eros wanted to smack Apollo's unbearably smug head off his broad shoulders.

He was easily the last person he would have wanted to see tailing him in the mortal world. But now that he was there and had even seen Ayra, it would be hard to escape from him.

Right then, Apollo still had his hand outstretched to Ayra but instead of placing her hand in his as he expected her to, she folded her arms. The way Apollo's expression fell for the slightest of seconds didn't go unnoticed by the ever-observant Eros but the former managed to keep the smile on his face.

"Ah, I forget, mortals have this abhorrence for strangers," Apollo remarked, his voice softer than honey as he retrieved his hand, "do forgive me."

Ayra felt flustered and didn't know how to respond. There was just something about Apollo that unnerved her, either it was his outward perfection, his honeyed words, or the fact that a tense air lingered between him and Eros.

They were staring at each other as if they were enemies ready to take the other down in a fight. But the calm engulfing them and the smile on Apollo's face was making everything quite uncomfortable.

Finally, Eros decided to give an introduction and turned to Ayra, "This is Apollo. It might seem confusing but he's my cousin from Mum's side and my Uncle from Dad's side."

She shrugged, "No, it's not confusing. I bet if you saw my family tree, you would get more confused."

Apollo smiled and the surroundings seemed to have gotten even brighter, "May I know your name because Eros didn't introduce you to me?"

"Ayra Khan," she mumbled, stealing a glance at Eros who looked quite positively fuming in anger.

"Ayra... Doesn't it mean goddess? How fitting..." Apollo remarked and she felt the heat rising to her cheeks.

"No, in my language, it means noble and pure," she interjected.

"Fitting nevertheless," he quickly changed course, "in fact, it reminds me of a poetic verse that I composed eons ago."

Eros rolled his eyes, "Not again... Apollo, you might be the god of poetry but nobody cares."

"I wasn't talking to you, kid," he shushed him but didn't even bat an eye away from Ayra as he addressed her again, "Would you like to hear it?"

"Uh... If you want to tell it, sure."

"Oh, fairest one, with grace that knows no bound," he recited with a flourish of his hand and turned his head so that the sun lit up his best angle, "Let my song be the echo of love profound."

Eros cringed, turning away as he facepalmed. Ayra, on the other hand, was still at a loss of how to react to it. She couldn't figure out if Apollo was flirting with her or if it was just the normal way he communicated with people.

"So what do you think?" Apollo asked, an expectant look evident on his face.

She paused but then remarked, "I don't know if I should be flattered or impressed..."

"Spare yourself the trouble of both," Eros butted in, "in fact, you should know how he came up with it. Come on, Apollo, tell her the back story or I will."

The dazzling smile immediately dropped from Apollo's face and he glared at Eros, "Shut up, you know nothi-"

But he smugly interrupted him, "He was looking into a mirror when he composed these verses... Conceited little prick."

The light around Apollo seemed to flare up as if he would attack Eros then and there. But a soft sound stopped him and he turned to see Ayra stifling her laughter.

"I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be laughing," she mumbled, her face turning pink from trying to hold it in, "Sorry."

"Oh no, please don't deprive us of hearing this beautiful sound," his expression softened and he relaxed as if he hadn't just been about to murder Eros. However, at that flirtatious remark, her laugh died down before she could even let it out.

"No, actually I am the one who should apologize," Eros spoke up, turning to Ayra, "I am so sorry, Apollo doesn't understand the meaning of too far."

"And Eros doesn't understand the meaning of too annoying," Apollo glared but kept the smile reserved for Ayra, "Why don't we start over without him in sight?"

Eros was about to fire a retort back but then paused, sensing that Ayra didn't want to get stuck in their rivalry. She looked uncomfortable enough already.

"That's lovely but I was out here with Eros," Ayra politely refused the offer, much to Apollo's disbelief, "I feel honored to have met the god of light and poetry, I really do. But I had other things planned for today and I'm sorry, I can't..."

She was unsure how he would react but noticed the very proud smile that was threatening to break out on Eros's features. He was relieved that she hadn't ditched him for Apollo and even more amused at the fact that she had politely rejected the golden boy of Olympus.

"Ah... I get it, no need to elaborate," the smile plastered on Apollo's face faltered slightly and felt incredibly fake all of a sudden. All that light around him also became a bit scorching, "Enjoy your evening. However, if you feel the need to be in better company, all you have to do is say the name."

He held his hand out again and Ayra hesitated but then placed her hand tentatively in his. He lifted it and kissed her knuckles, and her skin tinted golden where he had touched her.

"I bid adieu, my dear, with a heart that will forever hold you near," he let go of her hand, seeing the blush deepen on her cheeks. But his whole demeanor changed as he faced Eros.

The god of love took a step closer to Ayra, his head held high as he stood before Apollo. However, the god of light was also in no mood to give up so soon. The rivalry between them was as clear as day at that moment.

Apollo walked past him, his shoulder roughly brushing against his as he turned his head to whisper something in his ear. Ayra noticed that Eros's smile had dropped and his fist was clenched, but no word escaped his lips that were pressed in a thin line.

Shortly after Apollo had gone, the light he brought with him faded as well.

The silence felt awkward so Ayra spoke up, "What was all that about?"

Eros shook his head, offering her a smile but it didn't reach his eyes, "Nothing. He just wanted to annoy me."

"And what did he say to you?"

He shrugged, "That's private. And don't we have work to do today? Apollo already wasted enough of our time. Now let's go find people who need a healthy dose of my love arrows."

He was intentionally changing the topic but she didn't press further. Greek mythology was complicated enough already for her to ask why they were so stiff with each other. For all she knew, they might have eons of terrible history between them and she wasn't quite far from the mark in her assumption either.


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