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Dear Readers,

We have finally come to the end of my first non-fanfic story Cupid's Karma and I'm so thrilled as it marks a new achievement for me.

First of all, I would like to thank the following readers who motivated me to keep writing through their support in the form of uplifting votes and comments.












And all those who I couldn't mention here, I'm equally thankful to you too. Now I'd like to thank the people who didn't read the story but were so motivating to me that it helped me reach my deadlines:




In short, I am grateful to all the lovely community here who supported me, gave feedback, and helped me improve my writing.

When I started writing this story, I was uncertain of it ever getting completed because I had had quite a record of leaving stories unfinished if they were in any genre other than fanfiction. This was the first Fantasy/Romcom story that I completed through all the love and support you guys gave me. 

It has also been entered into the Open Novella Contest 2024 and I am very excited to see whether it will go past Round 3 to the shortlist and hopefully to the winners' section or not. I have high hopes for this one so I am keeping my fingers crossed here.

For those of you who have read my other works, you know I try to incorporate a central idea and a message into each story I write. Cupid's Karma revolves around a topic that is very pivotal in life; love and its connection to relationships.

Remember that John Lennon song: Love Is All You Need? While I agree that it is very important to foster a connection and keep it going, you need several other factors along with love to keep your relationship alive. Respect, honesty, loyalty, and communication are just a few of those factors.

If you love someone but don't respect them, are not honest, and don't communicate your feelings, then you can't expect your relationship to be happy, healthy, and fruitful.

Another important theme I wanted to incorporate in this story was that of moving on and letting go of the people you once loved. It is hard but acceptance is the first step, and letting go of all the bitterness such that you reach a point that you also want the best for them, indicates that the time has come for you to be free in your life. The strings of fate in this case symbolized the connections that people foster with each other. 

The purpose of writing Eros and Ayra was to show that we don't often have control over who we get linked to through our fate, just like it happened in their case. But they were able to accept that their paths were separate and instead of living a life of misery pining for the other, they chose to end things on a happy note and start afresh.

I love them both but having them end up together wouldn't be the logical ending for this story in my opinion. But it still is a happy ending as I convinced the evil author in me to stay silent and not cause any further chaos.

Let me know what you guys think and if there are any ideas or improvements that you thought of while reading this story, you are most welcome to share them.

It's been one thrilling ride from the start to the end of this story and I hope reading it was just as enjoyable for you as it was for me while I was writing it.

Have a lovely day and thanks for all the support once again.

Love from,

Zenina Dawson.

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