Chapter 9

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"Edward Sterling? Who is Edward Sterling?" Atalie stared at him, her eyes slightly narrowed and her forehead crinkled in a way that showcased confusion.

"Edward Sterling was the man who gave structure to magic. He is the one who came up with the cast system." Lucian explained.

"Really? I thought that all of this existed since the dawn of magic." She said referring to the cast system.

"Nope! It didn't. The story goes that Edward Sterling was the descendant of a man who could use magic but the magic in their family line had gone dormant. The dormant magic awoke in a blaze within Edward and he became a Death Seer. The first Death Seer in fact."

"Huh! I thought that the other Casts were formed not long after the inception of the other casts of magic, you know, the Elementalists and the Warlords. I didn't realise that the other casts this much of time to show up."

"The casts Mentalist, Psychic, and Alchemist showed their powers around the time the Elementalists and the Warlords began to stabilize and magic began to pass on from parent to child. But Angelis and Mortis took a lot of time to show themselves. By the time the first traces of these types of magic were found, society had already established itself to a certain level.

Anyway coming back to point, Edward Sterling realised that he was a Death Seer. He tried to find out if any more types of magic could be created but failed miserably. He was also responsible for creating such a wonderful sorting system which is in use today. You know, he is also credited with discovering the existence of the Oracles."

"He discovered the existence of the Oracles? How?" Atalie asked, surprised.

"It was an accident, that discovery, but it still counts. You see, Edward had a daughter Lizabeth Sterling. When she became of marriageble age, he married her off to the best family he could find according to his social status. But what he wasn't aware of was that the groom had a genetic condition and was also infertile. When the news got out, the emotional trauma forced Lizabeth into  manifestation. It was during this time that he discovered that his daughter's mother-in-law was weird. Upon confronting the lady he discovered that she too had magical powers but not like those he and his daughter shared.
When he realised that there was another breed of mages, he decided to study them long term. It is a result of his long term studies that we know so much about the mage world."

"Huh, I guess he's like a mage version of Newton or something." She remarked

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He shrugged.

A comfortable silence spread over the duo as both of them got lost in their own thoughts. The information Lucian had given Atalie was a lot and it would take a lot of time to digest. It was the ringing of Lucian's phone which shattered the silence.

"Aw! Dammit! I completely forgot that I have to go somewhere. " Picking up his belongings he continued, "See you soon Atalie!"

"Oh, okay. Bye!" Atalie replied, still thinking over the new information.

Lucian's POV

I went back to my dorm and after quickly taking a shower and changing my clothes, made my way to a meeting that was most confusing. Knocking on the door, I entered after receiving permission and stared at the person sitting in front of me. Dean Leanna Wong looked as composed and elegant as she had when I had seen her for the first time.

"Lucian, come have a seat." She said gesturing to the seat in front of her.

"Good Morning Dean! A bit early for a meeting don't you think? The school hours are yet to begin." I questioned, taking a seat.

"Yes, but this is a strictly informal meeting, hence the early hour."

I was about to ask her the reason for the meeting when the door opened and a man walked inside. Executing a small bow he said, "Good Morning Madam. May I get you anything?"

"A cup of Earl Grey please." She replied.

"Very well. And for your guest Madam?" He questioned

"I'll have a coffee. One spoon cream and two spoons of sugar." I told him after the Dean raised her brow in question at me.

"Very well." Saying this he slipped out of the room.

"Dean Wong—" I began but she held up a hand. I watched as she thought of something and came to a decision.

"Lucian, I have always believed that you have great potential. Not just as a mage but a person who has the power to leave behind a great legacy. It is with this in mind that I have always given you tasks that challenged you and helped you grow in equal measure."

"I have always wondered why you took an interest in the lives of kids like me." I told her.

A faint smile but one that held warmth. "I have always thought the best for my students not content with just giving them education. I have always believed that we as instructors and teachers have a significant role to play in the lives of students who might be used as pawns in a game of power."

I had to smile in agreement. Dean Wong had always tried to help those students who she knew were vulnerable to the games big families played. She had always made sure that the students who came from influential families would never buckle under the pressure and become pawns for their power hungry parents. I had survived until now only because of her guidance.

She took another breath before saying something that rocked my world. "Lucian, I have called you here today because I need a favour from you."

Hey guys! Great to see you again!

What did you guys think of Edward Sterling?

Also what favour do you think Dean Wong wants from Lucian?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Love you guys!


Fictionally yours,

The Angel ReapersWhere stories live. Discover now