Part 3

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Scarlet's POV

I didnt was anything to feel awkward between us so I got my guitar. Apart from Slayter and Tate, this is the only thing that can calm me down. I've been writing this song and I'm not sure how it sounded. I started humming the lyrics.

"Scarlet, is that the song you keep singing? Me and Slayter hear you all the time," I didn't want to say 'yeah this is my song how does it sound' but then I don't want to say 'No this is a totally different song.'

"Yes this is my song. Its called hush little girl. Its about depression and being bullied." I felt my cheeks burning up.

"You always write depressing stuff. How about I sing a song." He took my guitar and started playing this song, "How about a little song I wrote. I haven't got a name yet so yeah."

"Go on I wanna hear." I sound very eager.

"Look in the mirror and smile
Make the smile last for a while
Believe in yourself today and tomorrow the pain will go away."

It was gorgeous! His singing voice was so peaceful.

I took the guitar back.
"Hush your lips baby girl
Let the haters hate
Don't let them get the best of you." I looked up from the guitar and caught him starring. He pushed the guitar away and put his hands on my knee.

"That was gorgeous, just like you." He always knew how to make me smile.

He pulled me in by my hips. I couldn't help myself but look dead into his piercing blue eyes. I loved bright colored eyes. I always thought by falling in love with someone's eyes you would always be in love with that person. Well I loved his eyes.

Let me tell you how we all met. I met Tate on Facebook. I started talking to him and we became close friends. Bit too close Slayter always says. My brother sent him a friend request and started talking. Then dad told us we was moving to London and it turned out that Tate lived round the corner.

"Scarlet, I want to tell you something. Meet me at 10 pm. I have a surprise." He planted a kiss on my fore head and walked out.

I heard music from the next room so I assumed Slayter was listening to music.

I sat back on my bed and just thought. What did I do to have that happen today? At school why do them girls say those things? Why do people always tell me to do stuff? Why am I so fat! Why am I so ugly! Why am I alive! Everything started building up. Once again I was stuck in a rut. I hate knowing that people feel that way. I walk the school corridor with all sets of eyes on me. Its horrible. I just wanted to die.. After all the thinking.. Tate doesn't love me! Tate doesn't actually feel the way he says he does!

Ugh! Thoughts got control of me. I decided I wasn't going to eat dinner. Maybe that would drop a few pounds.

I jumped straight in the shower. As the hot water trickled down my scarred skin, I looked at the scars. I hated the sight of my belly. Ew. Fat. Rolls. I picked the razor. For a minute I hesitated. But then I'm a fuck up. I was a waste of a condom. The cold piece of metal made a trail on my hip. Blood traveled down my leg as I cried of the thoughts.

I dragged my lifeless body out of the shower. While wrapping my purple towel around my chest, I peered into the reflection of my soul.

I chose to put a pair of skinny black jeans and a of mice and men shirt. I nicked that of Slayter a few years back.

Then 10:00 pm came..

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