Part 6

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Tate's POV

She left to go to form. All she did was kiss me on the cheek. Fucking hell, I wanted to kiss her there and then. Show everyone that she is mine.

Form was the same as every other day. Mr Richmond going on about how we should all keep safe on the Internet. But come on no one is going to listen. Look at me, Scarlet could have been a 50 year old man for all I knew. He showed us a video of this man. The video was basically child porn. He forced the girl to take pictures of her naked body and put it on a memory stick. Who the fuck does that? Come on people!

He finally took the register. Saying every students name. Then when he got to mine he stopped. as always. Then said Tate. I never answer my name. He looks around the room and sees me sitting there. Last year, he rang my mum to ask if everything was okay. Apparently I seemed depressed.

After the register, it was time for period one. I had maths. Fuck..

Scarlets POV

I hated the fact that Chandler was in all my lessons. I hated the fact I had no friends. I hated the fact I didn't talk to anyone. Lets just say I hate everything.

First lesson was ICT. That was okay. I sat next to the girl who spoke to me this morning.

As our form tutor dismissed us, the girl came running up to me.

"Scarlet right?" She put her hand on her hip. "Can I walk to lesson with you?"

"Err yeah sure. I guess." I didn't know what to say so I just looked down at the floor.

I still didn't know my way round the school so I just saw people in my class and follow them. But now I had Jade.

I sat down as the teacher started going on about data base and shit. Jade tapped my shoulder so I turned around to her. She mimed "Do you get this?" I just shook my head and got on with the lesson.

We started talking about random shit like what's our favorite place to visit and instruments we could play. We both played guitar.

The next lesson was PE. I texted Tate saying
'I'm skipping PE. Meet me at the bench..'

I made my way to the only place I knew and sat there and waited. My fingers slid into my pocket to get my phone. Tate texted back 'On my way x.'

About three minutes later, a tall black haired boy walked out the double doors. His face lit up as he saw me.

We watched youtube videos of Skateboarding fails. It was quite funny because the people acted like it was such a big thing.

Break was after and Jade and her group came to find me. Jade introduced me to everyone. There was Sky and Taija. Literally just them three. Taija was dating Chandler but she didn't no how he treated me.

These three girls was nothing like me. They all liked 'the 1975' or 'the neighbourhood.' Then theres me, Tate and Slayter who like 'suicide silence' 'Asking Alexandria' 'Pantera.'

After the most shittest day, we went home.

We wrote more songs, learnt more songs and watched movies that night.

When it got to 7:30 I cuddled up to him on his bed. He was such a warm person to cuddle.

This boy was my world and I was sure not to loose him.

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