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The sangeet ceremony unfolded like a scene from a  movie, with the Shaikh mansion transformed into a dazzling spectacle of lights and colors.

The grand hall was adorned with intricate decorations, shimmering drapes, and fragrant flower arrangements, creating an enchanting ambiance that captivated the guests from the moment they stepped inside.

As the evening progressed, the sound of lively music filled the air, accompanied by the rhythmic beat of the dhol.

Guests arrived dressed in their finest attire, their faces adorned with bright smiles and eyes sparkling with anticipation.

The energy was infectious, and soon the dance floor was alive with swirling skirts and twirling bodies, as guests danced with unrestrained joy.

Amidst the revelry, Zara stood on the sidelines, a solitary figure amidst the sea of merrymakers.

Despite the festive atmosphere, her heart was heavy with apprehension, her thoughts consumed by the impending nikkah ceremony.

She watched silently as couples danced past her, their laughter and smiles a stark contrast to the turmoil within her own soul.

The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, tempting guests to indulge in the sumptuous spread laid out before them.

Plates piled high with delicacies lined the banquet tables, offering a tantalizing array of flavors and aromas that tantalized the senses.

Yet, even the mouthwatering dishes failed to tempt Zara, her appetite dulled by the weight of her worries.

As the night wore on, the festivities reached a crescendo, with guests dancing and singing late into the night. But for Zara, the sangeet ceremony was merely a prelude to the ordeal that lay ahead.

With each passing moment, her anxiety deepened, and she found herself longing for the solitude of her room, where she could retreat from the chaos and gather her thoughts in peace.

The Haldi ceremony unfolded amidst an explosion of color and laughter, with the Shaikh mansion transformed into a kaleidoscope of hues and sounds.

The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of turmeric paste, as guests joyously smeared the golden substance on the faces of the bride and groom, their hands moving with playful abandon.

Laughter echoed through the halls as relatives and friends joined in the merriment, their voices rising above the strains of traditional music that filled the air.

For Zara, however, the festivities offered little solace amidst the whirlwind of emotions that consumed her.

As she sat amidst the jubilant crowd, her heart weighed heavy with apprehension, her thoughts consumed by the impending nikkah ceremony. She stole glances at Rahim, whose stoic demeanor only served to deepen her fears.

His stern expression and imposing presence cast a shadow over the joyous occasion, leaving Zara feeling isolated and alone amidst the throng of well-wishers.

As the ceremony progressed, Zara found herself lost in a sea of faces, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of what the future held in store.

Each passing moment brought her closer to the fateful day of the nikkah, and her anxiety intensified with every heartbeat.

She longed for the festivities to come to an end, yearning for the solitude of her room where she could retreat from the chaos and gather her thoughts in peace.

As the final moments of the Haldi ceremony ticked by, Zara's heart grew heavy with anticipation, her mind filled with a sense of foreboding.

The thought of becoming Rahim's wife filled her with a profound sense of dread, and she couldn't help but wonder what trials awaited her on the path that lay ahead.

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