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Rahim existed the washroom all freshenup,his footsteps muffled by the plush carpeting as he observed Zara, engrossed in her task of taking out  their outfits for the evening celebration.

She seemed entirely focused on her task, unaware of his presence as she meticulously laid out their clothing choices.

Taking a moment to admire her, Rahim couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for his wife.

Her dedication to even the smallest details never failed to impress him.

With a faint smile,  he picked up his phone from the table and stepped out onto the balcony to make a call.

Dialing Arman's number, Rahim leaned against the railing, the cool breeze of the evening air providing a welcome contrast to the warmth of the room.

As Arman picked up, Rahim wasted no time in filling him in on the latest developments, their conversation flowing smoothly as they discussed their plans for the evening.

Arman's support was unwavering, his words of encouragement bolstering Rahim's confidence in their decisions.

With their discussion concluded, Rahim bid Arman farewell and ended the call, feeling a sense of reassurance knowing that his brother was standing by his side.

Returning to the room, Rahim found Zara now settled in front of the television, her attention captured by a movie playing on the screen.

With a sadistic smirk he joined her, ready to enjoy a moment of intimacy before the evening's festivities began.

As Rahim took a seat beside Zara, she couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that washed over her.

Her muscles tensed involuntarily as she felt his hand encircle her waist, pulling her closer with a roughness that sent a jolt of fear through her body.

Colliding with his chest, she dared to glance up at him, only to lower her gaze when she saw the unmistakable desire burning in his eyes.

Questions raced through her mind, wondering why he seemed consumed by such intense desire when they had shared passionate moments until the early hours of the morning just the night before.

Before she could dwell on her thoughts, Rahim's actions interrupted her train of thought.

With a forceful push, he maneuvered her onto the bed, his hand moving to cradle the back of her head protectively.

Hovering over her, his presence loomed large, casting a shadow over her petite form.

Rahim's lips descended upon hers, Zara's breath caught in her throat, a mixture of fear and anticipation coursing through her veins.

His kisses were demanding, fervent, as he trailed them along her jawline, his movements possessive and insistent.

With each brush of his lips against her skin, she felt a tumultuous mix of emotions, torn between desire and trepidation.

Despite the intensity of his actions, she couldn't deny the undeniable pull he had over her, drawing her deeper into the whirlwind of their forbidden passion.

In the throes of their passionate encounter, Rahim and Zara surrendered to their primal desires, their bodies entwined in a fervent dance of ecstasy and longing.

With each movement, the intensity between them grew, fueled by a raw, unbridled hunger that consumed them both.

As Rahim's primal urges surged forth, the room bore witness to their uninhibited union, the air thick with the heady scent of their arousal.

Descent into Darkness:Rahim Shaikh Saga Where stories live. Discover now