hehe headcanons go brrr

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One time light snap at said some insults at fallen. Fallen ended up leaving him alone and not attacking the kingdom for days.

Snowy sometimes play or hang out with the spider if she's really really bored.

When light was infected with darkness his wings kinda turn into like devil/demon wings.

One time when it was light birthday, light kept it a secret but someone snitched and the gang literally bust opened his door and celebrate his birthday.

Sometimes shy indigo Steve reminded light of his past self.

Light favorite indigo Steve's is shy indigo Steve because he reminded of him his past self.

Sometimes when light was enjoying his quiet time with violet leader suddenly souless appeared out of nowhere and that scared light and try to smack him but ended up smacking violet leader.

Sometimes light wish he could be his shy orange self.

When cliff sing his famous 99 glowberrys on the wall song, shadow cliff also joins and they started singing together.
(Wholsome moments)

Snowy sometimes write tiny little poems or stories and show it to light.

One time cliff suggest that he and light do to a roast battle. Cliff loses.

Light can be a bit sassy when he feels like it.

Cliff sometimes can be a very very good actor.

Louis literally read all the books in the local library.

Sometimes souless will annoy the shit out of light making snap but laugh looking at the concerned gang.

Souless and shadow cliff are bestfriends.

One time Louis sometimes goes mama mode on the trio (light, cliff Aaron) scolding them like  a mother scolding a child.

Ok that's all babye!


Ruined reality My headcanons And Stuff! Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt