Chapter Two: Coming Home

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Ba-sing se
The crowd was wide and huge .The kyoshi statue was polished and it shone under the sun even if made with metal sheaths from the metal clan .

Everybody there with a feeling of determination and epitome of hope and freedom for does who believe in the Avatar and the crowd keep getting bigger and bigger .

The Earth federation has been on the cliff hanger since the last king of the earth kingdom and the last avatar united the earth kingdom in one accord under the king of the earth federation .

The decorations was nice and the lights was decorated along the street lights reporters and announcers
was present with their camera's which was shown on the screens ..
"So everyone in Ba Sing Se came to see the Avatar "kia teased me and let out a giggle .
"Yes , the Avatar has to be celebrated for the good deeds it has brought for us and the spirits".Yu Lin added.

Yu lin and kia are members if the Grand lotus and they are one of my closest friends since he was chosen by the Avatar.

"I never knew that the Avatar have this amount of fans ,did avatar Korra ever had this fans ?"I asked curiously .

"Well ,when avatar Korra was trained by the white lotus the Avatar didn't get alot of fans.she even got alot of enemies from the Amon attack to others "Yu Lin continued ." But on a nutshell from the destruction of the the evil spirit and the uniting of the spirits with the humans,the Avatar fans increased drastically ".

"Whoa"I responded surprisedly.

The crowd was getting bigger and making it more ramping than ever the car we were on were a thing of sight and joy which made me feel happy and excited at it . The crowd was guided by Dia li agents which wore green and black robe with a hat covering there face ,there really look very mysterious and sometimes I wonder how there are able to see maybe through seismic sense from there feet and to sense their surroundings I learnt that on my training at the metal clan which was pretty cool, I guess ,I learnt metal bending.

"But all of them are eagerly waiting to see the Avatar and we are just passing by " i asked .
"It isn't fair ".

"Luan, we can't keep the president of the earth federation waiting ".Yu lin said with a grin .

I let out a frown .

"Just once " I pleaded.

After much talking and pleading which was really hard to watch Yu Lin finally agreed and I came out of the car .The moment I came out the reporters from the news came in rushing with camera's pointing to my face . The questions came from different direction.

"How was your trip from the fire nation? ".
"Did you enjoy your trip? "
" How are your bending class going ?"
"Have you been okay to bend all element "

My answers Came out once which was quite simpler than I thought .
"It's was fine".
"Yes , i did".
"No , I can't ".

Yu lin and kia came to my rescue and we entered the car back before I get mob by the crowd .
We finally entered the Elite class of the earth federation which was fancy and classic the earth federation really knew how to spice things up .

I was greeted by the white lotus member "Lakshmi " and president "Bao jun " of the earth federation .

"How was trip , Avatar luan " Lakshmi asked.

" It was fine " .

The next thing I knew I got a warm welcoming from the president of the earth federation.
Bao jun took me as a father which I never had .

Being trained by a single mother, I stayed with my mom" Mingyu "and at the middle class of Ba Sing Se and when I figured I was the Avatar at age 6 by the white lotus we moved to the elite class .

We moved into the palace which was guided by the guards and the Dia liagents . I was feasted with food from all of Ba sing se you can name it and it taste good as ever and my assistant kia trained all day with earth and kia can bend water .

Kia lived with the lotus all her life she never got to see her family which was like me .I think that is why we are tight friends and she will stand by me no matter anything .

"You gat to be fast on your knees and toes to avoid and dodge any incoming attacks"kia advised bending a huge amount of water towards me , I tried to block it but it was no avail and I got knock off my feet landing on the ground roughly .

"Ouch" I said in pain then kia stretched her hand towards me which helped me to get on my feet .

"Okay , from the top again "she toned posing an attack move towards me.

I clenched my fist and drew my right leg backwards and I bended some earth towards her and she dodge all the earth nicely and I bended a big boulder towards her and it hit her and she bounced right into the floor .

"Nicely done Avatar "
Lakshmi praised .

After a good days work of training we decided to walk around the place and I saw past king Wu statue it was him with two huge badger moles which was like the kyoshi but more bigger I guess or at the size . The elite class of Ba Sing was now bigger after much renovation by the past king and addition with president Bao jun .

" I hope you enjoyed training today ?"kia asked

"Well ,it was fine and moderately okay but I bruised myself alot and my hand hurt badly" I replied.

She giggled .

"You would have informed me more earlier "kia said .
She bended some water from the fountain close to us and applied it on my bruised arm and it glowed faintly, it took some time but the pain gradually stopped .

" I never knew you were a pretty good healer " I credited moving my bruised arm .

"Thanks , I got some training from the white lotus which really topped my water bending abilities alot and I am really grateful to them".

" Whoa " I exclaimed feeling surprised at that . " I really wish I could bend water "I added .

" Don't worry Luan with time and practice you will be able to bend not only the water but the four elements " she said hopefully.

Me and kia left the fountain and returned back to Palace before they will send a search guard to come and pick us up . The day really went well and I really enjoyed it and we
we're questioned by the Lakshmi for staying out late but we just laughed it up ..

Author note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.I really love luan parts in this chapter and it took alot of time to composed .
Stay safe and stay healthy ....

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