Chapter 4 - Inosuke

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An meine kleine Schwester nochmal wenn du das hier vielleicht mal in ein paar Jahren oder sowas liest mit jedem Kapitel macht es noch weniger Sinn also ja.

Will it make sense? Even less than the lash chapter.

Also Inosuke is gonna be out of canon like a lot in this Chapter and probably also in the future chapters I hope that is not a problem.


*Douma has been having a mental breakdown since around one hour*


Kanao came to his room to ask why. He never had her contact them earlier something really important must be going on if he wants to move the meeting forward a whole Month. She was deep in thoughts when she slid open the door to Doumas Room.

A truly terrifying sight to see the Hashira that always smiles curled up on the floor crying.

That definitely had to be important if he was actually crying.

„Douma-san are you alright?" - a little worried Kanao

He weakly looked up and answered quietly.

„It's fine but please get your sisters here and while your on it please get Aoi to contact Lady Tamayo" - Douma

Kanao was still worried but decided to contact her sisters and have Aoi get Lady Tamayo.


Around an hour later the Kocho sisters and Lady Tamayo came to Douma's office, though Shinobu was annoyed with him for moving their meeting forward she didn't really want to see him that quickly again. She has not quite forgiven him for almost killing Kanae the first time they meet when he was on a mission.

„Why did you call us here Douma-san?" - Tamayo

„Remember when you told me about that one Slayer that completely healed how much was it 12 broken bones? In a time span that should have been impossible...... I'll get straight to the point, I need to figure out if some kind of Human-Demon Hybrids exist" - Douma

„You are saying you disturbed us with your paranoia because a Slayer healed faster then normal Slayers would" - very annoyed Shinobu

„Shinobu, we weren't doing anything important and if this theory proves to be correct it may help us with developing a cure" - Kanae

„There is one more Reason I believe he might actually be some kind of hybrid, that would be because in the past before I became a Slayer I knew his Mother who is a Demon... an Uppermoon" - Douma

The confusion of all three of them was visible easily, Douma just randomly told them about what happened to him in the past even though he always tries to avoid this particular Topic. It had to be something he was completely convinced about, he wouldn't just share the big secret of his past for no reason.

„I also have a Plan to get a blood sample without us being suspicious, he recently came back from a Mission with 6 other slayers, if we say we need blood samples of all of them for a health check it should work, Shinobu, Kanae it would also be helpful if you could use your human disguises to not freak of the other Slayers that residents here." - Douma

Shinobu and Kanae then proceed to transform into more Human looking Versions of themselves.

All four of them then went to the Room said Slayer resident. Douma then explained why they were here, though there were two of the Slayer who didn't belive what he said. Those Slayers were Nezuko who recognised Shinobu and Kanae the second the went into the Room, and Zenitsu who once again overheard their entire conversation. He was completely terrified and shaking underneath his blanket, just hearing them saying Inosuke might be some kind of Demon Hybrid was more then enough to send him into this terrified state.

A Devils Voice (Demon Kotoha/Uppermoon-Hashira Swap Au)Where stories live. Discover now