Chapter 5 - Comfort

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Like I said in basically all previous Chapters the personalities are everything but canon.

And like mentioned in the last Chapter Mugen Train just doesn't happen so the next arc will be Entertainment District with surprise surprise Demon Tengen not like thats the most obvious shit ever its gonna happen pretty different though but no spoiler lets start with this chapter (Entertainment District is in the next one)


Zenitus Pov:

It's been three weeks since I last saw Inosuke, he hasn't left his room basically at all. Even though I knocked on his door everyday to ask him if he is fine he always just says that I should leave him alone.

A lot happened in those three weeks though, Nezuko has been training with the Moon Hashira since she apparently managed to use a form of moon breathing even though it was know for being basically impossible to learn.

She's getting better but she still has trouble with using some forms. I just hope she doesn't end up hurting herself, the training looked pretty intense.

We both also went on a few Missions just not Inosuke.


It's been another two weeks, the other group of slayers went to continue with their mission. Me and Nezuko keept training.

I don't really know if I got better or not but to be honest I don't think I did at least not compared to Nezuko who has been training every day and getting drastically better.

Inosuke did leave his room once but he was wearing his mask and completely avoided me and Nezuko and went straight to the Ice Hashira.

Their conversation did confirm my theory of the Ice Hashira being some kind of father figure to Inosuke because I could clearly hear him call the Hashira Dad. It was weird to hear him say that though.


Another week has passed when I decided to try to talk to Inosuke again. Nezuko was also worried about him but apparently she just accepted that he didn't want to talk, well I wasn't going to take no for an answer this time, he has been hiding in there since six weeks and as much as I hate to admit it, it has been uncomfortably quiet without him.

I made my way over to his room like I do nearly everyday I am not on a Mission and knocked on the door.

„Are you ever going to stop or do I have to let you in first if I want to be alone?" , he spoke sounding annoyed.

„You have been knocking on my door every day for six week, I give up in trying to get some alone time so.. just come in not like I can stop you from knocking every day otherwise." I could hear the defeat in his Voice as he unlocked the door.

I knew he wasn't okay, I heard him cry... often, nearly every night. I was worried. I might not have known him for long before and he might often be annoying but I knew for him to cry must be something serious.

When I entered the room I could see him sitting on his bed crying and avoiding to look my way.

After a few minutes of me just standing there he looked at me only half way so I could only see one of his eyes which was the one that looked demonic.

Wait, no thats wrong. Wasn't it the other eye that looked like this the last time. Did whatever it is get worse?

No one said a word for more than ten minutes even though it felt like an eternity.

Only after sitting next to him for a while I noticed actually how much about him changed and that is a lot. Both his eyes changed, he had a black streak of hair all the way to the normally light blue tips, he also had claws and fangs. He looked like an actual Demon. But he also looked.. scared? Like he was terrified of himself.?

„I just want this to stop... I want this to go away but I can't fight it to make it go away.....

Its just happening and I can't do anything about it" , he was sobbing and wiping away tears though they were immediately replaced with new ones.

„It feels like this isn't even my own body anymore, like I'm not myself anymore...


It was so weird seeing him like this, I don't even mean those demonic features but just seeing him cry was so weird. So different from his usual loud personality.

After a little while he seemed to calm down a little but not that much.

„Thank you for coming it made me feel a bit better, I'll join on our next Mission maybe just don't tell anyone about this" - Inosuke

I nodded to agree to not tell anyone.

I slowly got up and left again. At least I could help a little. I still don't know what was happening but he said it himself there is nothing to do about it so I guess there is just no need for me to know.


Short as hell but I had to get this done with cause I was struggling so much with this chapter so yeah sorry or something I don't know.

Also No Taisho Secret this time

Word Count: 918

Also if something doesn't make sense I rewrote this Chapter like three times so I might have got something wrong

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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