Truth or Dare

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After showing Ennard around and letting him sleep in Circus Baby's house, she woke up with an ambition to learn more about him. However, Circus Baby quickly noticed she was alone on the couch. She remembered falling asleep close to Ennard on the couch, but he was nowhere to be seen. She turned her back to see him cooking in the kitchen.

Ennard: "Good morning, sleepyhead!"

Circus Baby: "Good morning...? Are you making breakfast?"

Ennard: "Huh-? No, this is lunch."

Circus Baby: "Lunch? Why?"

Ennard: "Well, you do realize that lunch is the most important meal of the day?"

Circus Baby: "I thought it was breakfast?"

Ennard: "Some people say that but y'know, it's just a theory."

Circus Baby: "Yeah, but- why are you making lunch? What time is it?"

Ennard: "It's noon."

Circus Baby: "NOON-?! Christ- I slept in!"

Ennard: "You sure did! Why do you think I called you sleepyhead?"

Circus Baby: "Guess that makes sense now...what are you making?"

Ennard: "Pancakes! They're my favorite. Speaking of which, they're done!"

Ennard put the food on two plates and served Circus Baby three...waffles?

Circus Baby (jokingly): "Oh- am I mistaken? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes."

Ennard (confused): "Huh-? These ARE pancakes. I think...wait- are these waffles? Goddammit, I mixed the two up again!"

Circus Baby: "Hey- it's alright! I like waffles too!"

Ennard: "That's good. I never understood the argument that waffles are better than pancakes because some waffles are so- difficult to eat."

Circus Baby: "I get it. I'm on the side of pancakes being better but I think most people here would think otherwise."

Ennard (jokingly): "Well, I'm glad we're normal."

Circus Baby and Ennard laughed at the joke. Circus Baby gave him a smile and Ennard gave her one back.

Circus Baby: "Hey, genuine question but- where are you from?"

Ennard: "Oh- me? Um...Facility B."

Circus Baby: "Oh? Nice place, huh?"

Ennard: "Sort of. People are nice but probably not nicer than folks from here. Hey, at least I'm not from Facility C."

Circus Baby: "Hah. True. That place is a wasteland."

Ennard: "I think as the letters go down; the areas get worse. A is amazing and accomplishing, C is corrupt and cold, and B is beautiful but bad."

Circus Baby: "Have you ever seen a folk from Facility C walk around here in A?"

Ennard: "I haven't, no."

Circus Baby: "I have. Scariest experience of my life. I pulled the alarm immediately and he went running."

Ennard: "I mean, he must've been scared too. Folks from C don't like loud noises."

Circus Baby: "How would you know?"

Ennard: "Met a few. They ain't bad people like everyone makes them out to be. Everyone just assumes they're on the bad side when most of them haven't done anything wrong."

Circus Baby: "Really? I probably would've guessed that if I'm being honest. Have you ever gone to Facility C?"

Ennard: "Never. Some say once people who aren't from Facility C step foot there, they might be dead within seconds. I don't want to take any chances."

Baby x Ennard: The Written WordsWhere stories live. Discover now