Book 1: Chapter 1

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"Ana! Kia! Hey, wake up! Kiana!"
I jolt awake hitting something hard with my head and a cry of pain immediately followed from myself and the thing-person I hit. I rubbed my eyes from sleep and opened them to see my brother rubbing a red mark on his forehead.
"Sokka are you alright?!" I scrambled over trying to help in any way I could while my head now throbbed.
"I'm alright Kia. You were having a nightmare again so I was trying to wake you up before well you know the usual happens," he explained as he rubbed his forehead. At the mentions of "the usual" I stole a glance around our home for anything that would be on fire and thankfully everything was intact...this time.

"I'm really sorry Sokka...I don't know why I'm still getting them." I sighed as we walked through the village with supplies for our canoe to go hunting.
"It's fine Kiana. Just next time don't hit me in the head and we're good," he replied while taking the things from my arms to put in our hunting kanoe while smiling making me crack a small smile of my own.
"Well maybe if your head wasn't so big I wouldn't have hit it." I joked earning a small offended "Hey!" from him.

"Hey, you guys wait for me! Gran Gran said I could come!" my sister yelled waving her arm as she ran. My smile dropped. It's not that I hated Katara or anything just whenever she comes on these trips disaster falls. Either she and Sokka argue or the canoe tips from her trying to waterbend or something.
"Katara are you sure you want to come?" my brother asked uneasy, probably having the same thoughts as myself.
"Of course I want to come! I'm always staying in the Village while you and Kiana always go on hunting trips." she pouted while crossing her arms.
"Keep me out of this, please. I may be the middle child but that doesn't mean I want to be in the middle of everything." I retorted climbing into my spot on the canoe. Sokka didn't say anything other than an exasperated "Get in".

"It's not getting away from me this time! This is how you catch a fish Katara" my brother states as he readies his spear making me roll my eyes. That's what he said about the last 2. I watch my sister get excited as she takes off her left glove she takes a deep breath. Oh boy, here we go.
"Katara are you sure you wanna-"
"Kiana sh you're gonna scare it" Sokka cuts me off making me slam my forehead into my palm I already know how this is gonna go. Katara continued to concentrate as she did her best to waterbend the fish she saw out of the water and to my surprise she actually did it which made me smile at her.

"Sokka! Look!" my sister exclaimed.
"Shhh Katara! Mmmm... I can already smell it cookin'." my brother replies wiggling his fingers on his free hand and to my guess licking his lips.
"But Sokka I caught one!" she exclaims again while doing her best to concentrate as the bubble of water that was holding the fish moved closer to Sokka.
"Katara be careful," I warned. But I was too late as he raised his spear popping the bubble of water and of course, he got splashed.
"Hey!" they both clamored as the fish jumped back into the water.

"Why is it every time you play with magic water I get soaked!?" he questioned as he wringed out his gloves.
"It's not magic, its waterbending and its-"
"Yeah yeah, an ancient art to your culture blah blah blah... sorry you say it a lot." I apologized after cutting her off.
"Look I'm just saying if I had weird powers I would keep my weirdness to myself like Kiana," he replied.
"Hey! Too far Sokka you know I'm not allowed to bend." I say in a warning tone.
"You're calling me weird? At least I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water." she retorts back. God, they give me a migraine sometimes.

Before anyone could say anything more the kanoe jerks causing me to panic. We've hit a current. Sokka desperately tries to steer us through it as I do my best to keep calm and not shoot the canoe up in flames.
"Watch out! Go left! Go Left!" Katara yells but it was too late. We're all thrown off the canoe as it gets crushed by 2 ice sheets. I land in the freezing water just missing the ice sheet my sister and brother landed on by a foot. I frantically kicked my legs and moved my arms to get myself to the surface and as soon as my face reached the cold air I gasped and coughed.
"Kiana!" my brother yelled in terror as he reached for me and pulled me out of the water with Katara's help. I continued coughing up water as they mumbled things about me freezing and we needed to get me home fast.

"I'm fine." I strained as I tried to focus on my breathing. I learned with my firebending that if I used correct breathing techniques I could warm myself up. They still ignored me as they frantically tried to wring out my clothes.
"I said I'm fine! I'm a firebender I can heat my own body for crying out loud!" I yelled finally catching their attention. I wasn't really angry I was just scared because I almost just drowned. Sokka just hugged me.

"You call that left Sokka?! Kiana just almost drowned!" Katara retorted in bitterness.
"You don't like my steering why didn't you just waterbend us out of the ice." he sassed back.
"So this is my fault!?" she cried out in anger.
"I knew we should've left you at home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up!" he replied annoyed.
"Sokka first of all I'm a girl too and you guys this is not the time to fight!" I yelled looking at both of them. Katara screams in annoyance. Oh god, here we freaking go.
"You are the most sexist! Immature! Nut brained! I'm embarrassed to be related to you!" she yelled and with each movement of her hands and arms another wave of water hit the iceberg behind her.

"Ever since mom died I've been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier!" she cried out more and more water was hitting the iceberg making Sokka and I panic.
"Uh, Katara..." Sokka tries to warn her.
"I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks let me tell you not pleasant" she continues ignoring him.
"Katara settle down!" I screeched.
"No! That's it! I'm done helping you! For now on your own your own!" Katara shrieks as the last bit of her yelling makes her waterbend one last crack in the iceberg. I clutch Sokka for dear life.

As the iceberg broke we got slammed back by waves of water. Once it calmed we came to a steady halt.
"You've gone from weird to freakish Katara," Sokka comments as he checks on me and I give a simple nod that I am fine. I just want to go home.
"You mean I did that?" she asks astonished.
"Yep, congratulations," I replied sarcastically. I'm just really fed up with the arguments.

The water began to bubble directly in front of us making us all go quiet. I began to panic again when a small spot on the water began to glow a blueish hue.
"W-what is that?" I couldn't even ask above a whisper. No one answered.  We all scrambled back as a giant roughish sphere broke through the water's surface. Katara moves closer as if mesmerized by the glow. Sokka half-heartedly reached out for her. I looked to where she was staring only to see a shadowy mass in the shape of a human. The mass had glowing arrows on its head and arms and just as I looked at what I would assume to be the face the eyes opened but only were they glowing too causing me to jump.

"He's alive we have to help!" Katara yells in worry and before we can even make a move she grabs Sokkas club and begins to hit the ice.
"Katara! Wait! we don't even know what that thing is!"I shrieked as we followed close behind her only to get blasted back by a gust of air as she cracked the sphere open. As the sphere audibly cracks all the way open a huge beam of light makes its way into the sky. I audibly gasp with my jaw hitting the floor in disbelief. The figure stands and takes a few steps forward.
"Stop!" Sokka yells in defense as he pushes me and Katara behind him only for the glowing to stop and the figure-boy to fall.

Katara runs over to catch him and I'm close on her tail. She turned the boy over to face us and my jaw slackened even more. How is he even alive?! The boy groans and opens his eyes and I audibly hear Katara gasp.
"I need to ask you something..." he groans out in exhaustion.
"What?" Katara replies.
"Please... come closer."
"What is it?" she asks desperately.
"Will you go penguin sledding with me?!" he asks in a completely cheerful tone as if he wasn't just stuck in a ball of ice.
"Uh sure...I-i guess" Katara responded in an awkward voice.
"What the hell?!" I state in disbelief.

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