Book 1: Chapter 4

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I sat in my side of our hut, tent, home, whatever you would call it as I got prepared. On a customary basis for a battle, you would do the warrior's face paint but I'm nowhere near a warrior nor am I technically water tribe so I did my own type of face paint. Just as I took my coat off and stood up ready for whats the come Gran Grab came in.

"You plan to fight," she noted matter of factly, nowhere near questioning.
"This is my home. I will stand up for it if I must." I curtly gave answer as I snatched a boomerang that Sokka showed me how to use out of sympathy for me not being able to learn bending. Halting as an earlier thought process when we were at the ship hit me.

"Gran Gran, didn't you tell us the Avatar was last born as an airbender?" she only nodded.
"Could an avatar stay alive for 100 years?" I questioned quietly not trying to get my hopes up.
"I don't see why not. Avatar Kiyoshi was alive for almost 300 years. Why?" she respinded examining me skeptically.
"No reason. Just with the Fire Nation coming I guess I just had thoughts of the avatar returning to save us all from this war." I lied smoothly as I fixed my hair into a ponytail that had braids leading to the ponytail with my bangs out.

I looked to my Grandmother who wore an unreadable face. I strode over and placed a hand on her shoulder as I stood side by side yet facing opposite ways.
"We are all terrified. Even me. I'm frightened that something will happen to me but most importantly to Katara and Sokka when they get here...but I promise and vow to you as my debt for the accident from all those years ago I will not let them harm them." I say while glaring at the wall in front of me while tears pricked the corners of my eyes. I owe them this. Before she could respond I walked out.

As I walked through the village who were preparing I got stares. I still had my glare glued to my face but no more tears could be felt or seen. As I reached the front of our village that's when we all felt what was coming our way. The ice shuddered and splintered as if threatening to devour us all. I made haste and started ushering people out of the way and yelling where to go. Katara does the same and even saves a kid from the cracking ice. I looked up to see a ship heading directly toward us and in front of it of course stood my brother.

"Sokka! Get out of the way!" Katara screams at him with panic, fear, and disbelief lacing her voice. I released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding as the snow walk he was perched on gave way and slid him down and out of the way only for him to have to jump out of the way when the front of the ship started lowering.
"You do not fight. You do not waterbend. Do I make myself clear." my voice came out low, seriously, and threatening as I didn't even look at my sister beside me.
"I won't." she responded quietly. Never seen me this serious.

A man with 2 guards starts exiting the bow of the ship. As they walk down the ramp Sokka let out a war cry running at them full speed with his club ready to swing. Cringing as the man at the front kicks Sokka's club one direction then Sokka the other making him face-plant into the snow. More soldiers followed in suit or what I assume is probably the general of the ship. When they reach the bottom and step on the ice the man searches through out village people as if looking for someone in particular. I clutch Katara's arm as she held our grandmother and shifted myself infront of them never removing my eyes from the man.

He was tall and had light skin with a burn scar on his left eye.
"Where are you hiding him?!" he angrily questions making my village shuffle closer together in fear. He sounded to be around my age. No more than a teenager. A boy. Quickly and suddenly he reaches past me and grabs Gran gran yanking her next to him as she quietly wails in shock and fear. I quickly pull my sword out and point it toward his neck making him scowl.
"He'd be about this age, master of all 4 elements!" he yells as he keeps his eyes on me.
"Let her go. Now." I growl, surprisingly he releases her and throws her into Katara's hands.

"I know you're hiding him!-" he yells to all of us not removing his eyes from mine, "So either you're brave or incredibly stupid." he continues saying only to me with a glare.
"Why don't you find out which one it is? We hide no one here." I replied matching his glare.
I hear Sokka rushing over with another battle cry. The boy moves away from me and takes quick care of my brother while still being aware of my movements. One of the children throw my brother his spear telling him to not show fear. I stood back trying to allow my brother his moment ready to pounce if he seems in trouble.

The boy breaks the spear and bounces the hilt of my brother's head a few times before knocking him back down onto the snow. I saw a flash in the sun and I cracked a smirk not even realizing when my brother threw his boomerang and it smacked right into the boy's helmet throwing it off center. The boy growls enraged and fires up 2 fire daggers from his fists as he walks towards Sokka. Quickly I rush behind him with my sword ready but the boy was much quicker than me and blocks my sword with his armor knocking me back straight onto my ass. My eyes widen as the boy sends a strong blast of fire my way and I narrowly block it with my sword only for it to blast my sword away.

I glanced back at everyone in my village in fear for them before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I have to protect them. Opening my eyes I frowned at the boy as I stood up and resumed a firebending stance from the scroll I learned from. The boy's eyes enlarged in shock before he scowled at me again. We began to circle each other before he made the first action sending two fire blasts from his fists and one swift fire blast from a kick. I scarcely managed to dissipate the attack redirecting the fire to the sides before throwing my own blasts.

Sending out three quick jabs and sliding my foot on the ice sending a lick of fire from my foot I knocked him back slightly but didn't manage to knock him down.
"You little traitor," he mumbled making me glare more.
"Can't be a traitor when I was raised here," I growled out. Sending another blast of fire from my fist and one from a kick only for him to grab my foot through my blast and throw me to the side making me skid across the ice. My face hit the cold ground and I could feel warm liquid immediately flow down my face. 2 or his guards grabbed my arms and hoisted me to my feet. I kicked and thrashed myself around trying to get them to let go.

The boy turns to us, "Take the traitor with us."
"Kiana! No!" Katara historically screams as Gran Grab held her back. I looked into my sister's eyes conveying to leave me be. To not attack. To let them take me so they will all be safe but my prayers were heard when the boy was knocked off his feet and Aang came and joined the party.
"Hey Katara, hey Kiana, hey Sokka!" he enthusiastically greets.
"Hey Aang...thanks for coming." Sokka grumbled.
Aang looked back at the boy as he stood up and told the remaining men who weren't holding me prisoner to surround him.

"Looking for me?" Aang asks determined.
"You're the airebender? You're the avatar?!" the boy questions. I could hear my sister and brothers disbelief and the audible gasp from the village.
"I fucking knew it." I said in just as much shock.

Picture above is her with her outfit, sword, and face paint ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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