Book 1: Chapter 3

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"This ship has haunted my tribe ever since Gran Gran was a little girl. It was a part of the Fire Nations' first attacks." Katara explained as we stood in a weapon room. The same room I got my sword from.
Somehow Katara convinced me to follow them on the ship as "protection" but I think it's so I wouldn't run back to the village and tell Sokka and Gran Gran. Although I can provide a little bit of protection because I know where the majority of the boobytraps were but that's not another secret Katara needs to know.
"It wasn't the start of the war but it was the first the Southern Water tribe has been attacked," I added as I looked around the room. I couldn't help but wonder if I would've been a part of the raids if I had been born in the Fire Nation instead.

"OK back up. I have friends all over the world and even in the fire nation and I've never seen any war." Aang says in confusion. How does he not know about the war that's been raging for 100 years? They haven't just attacked the water tribe but completely demolished the airbenders and have attacked the earth benders too.... Unless..
"Aang. How long were you in that iceberg before we found you." I replied in all seriousness giving him a hard look as my brain worked around this weird kid.
"I don't know a few days maybe?" he responded unsure.
"I don't think so, kid." I shook my head in disbelief.
"I think it was more like 100 years." katara added seeming to catch onto my questions.

After consoling Aang after we explained how it's possible that he was in there for 100 years. It makes sense he doesn't know about the war because he was somehow in there alive the entire time which made my suspicions rise about the kid. There's something he isn't telling us. We continued through the ship and Katara started to protest about going back. Until I noticed where we were.
"Aang look out!" I cut him off but I was too late he tripped a boobytrap sending a red flare high into the sky.
"Fuck." I couldn't help but curse. We are all screwed.
"Take my sister out of here. now! I'll get myself out." I growled as I noticed a hole in the roof big enough to fit them both. He noticed it too and moved quickly.

I ran through the ship dodging and sliding the rest of the boobytraps. I made it out just as Aang was checking on Katara to make sure she was ok.
"We need to go now. That flare will signal any fire nation ship within the vicinity. And if it's signaled them our village has definitely seen it. Katara you better not rope me into this. I told you not to go on that dammned ship and you didn't listen." I said anger lacing my voice as I stayed on high alert.
"I-I'm sorry Kiana it was an accident we didn't know!" she pleaded.
"I don't care! This has put us all in danger! Especially you and me! If they find out what kind of benders we are we are screwed! They'll think I'm a traitor and you'll end up just like mom! Now let's go. Now!" I yelled scared and angry for both of us and our village.

I ran towards my training area and they followed. Quickly I grabbed my sword and sheathed it and strapped it to my back under my clothes.
"How do you have that Kiana? It looks fire nation." katara questioned quietly as I put my jacket back on.
"You can take your guess. Keep it to yourself. You know Sokka would never let me train let alone the village and I had a feeling a day like this would come. Sokka can't take them on alone." I replied as I took out the firebending scroll and tucked it into my pocket. She didn't ask anything more and we moved.

"Yay Aangs back!" one of the children yelled as the entirety of the village stood together. Sokka was glaring at all of us.
"I knew it! You signaled the fire navy with that flare! You're leading them straight to us aren't you?!" Sokka accused Aang.
"All right I didn't want to get in the middle of this but Sokka I'm just as angry but it wasn't done on purpose," I explained. Trying to calm the argument that could make or break our family.
"Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this boobytrap and well you see we kinda boobied right into it..." Aang says sheepishly. Idiot.

"Katara and Kiana you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger!" Gran Gran scolded.
"I didn't willingly go. I only went to protect her." I seethed and shook my head moving away from all of them not wanting to be roped in with their mistake.
"Don't blame them I made them get on the ship," Aang replied sorrowfully.
"Aha! The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village." he declared having enough.
"Sokka that's going too far-" I state quickly even though I'm just as angry before Katara cuts me off, "-Sokka you're making a mistake."
"No. I'm keeping my promise to Dad. Protecting you and Kiana from threats like him." he retorts while pointing to Aang.

I couldn't handle it. I started to walk away.
"Kiana are you not gonna help me?!" she pleaded.
"I'm sorry Katara but there's nothing I can do. I told you not to rope me into this. I did my best with what I believe but I'm not gonna stand here and listen to all this. This whole ordeal is ridiculous. While youre all squabbling more than likely, the Fire Navy is on its way here right now. I rather prepare than argue with my family." I state as I turn on my heel and walk away tuning out her protests to Sokka.
"I'm sorry Katara if I've let you down," I mumble as I continue walking to our home.

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