My soulmate • JWY

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Male Reader X Jang Won Young (EX-IZ*ONE / IVE)

Genre: Fluff(y), Supernatural

Words: 4750


In the bustling heart of Seoul, where modernity and tradition collide in a dance as old as the mountains that cradle the city, there existed two worlds unbeknownst to ordinary humans. These were the realms of the werewolves, beings of strength and mystery, divided by packs and ruled by the silent whispers of the moon.

Y/n stood at the precipice of a destiny he had been born to inherit, with the weight of his father's expectations resting heavily upon his broad shoulders. As the only son of the Alpha and Luna of the Moonshadow pack, one of the most powerful in South Korea, his future as the leader of his people was as certain as the phases of the moon. But beneath the confidence and the cultivated poise, Y/n harbored a restlessness that pulsed like a second heartbeat – the call for his soulmate, whom he had yet to find.

Jang Wonyoung, on the other hand, was the enigma of the Silvercrest pack – a rival to Y/n's own. As the youngest of three siblings, her path was not weighted with the mantle of leadership, but it was no less important. She was beloved by her pack, her grace and intelligence shining like the moon on a clear night. The dawn of her twentieth year had marked a significant turn in her life; the awakening of her inner wolf's yearning for its other half – her soulmate.

Their worlds were separate, their futures laid out before them like divergent paths in a dense, uncharted forest. Yet, the fates seemed to conspire, for both attended the same university, sharing a major and a classroom. They were acquaintances at best, often exchanging nothing more than a nod or a brief smile, their lives orbiting each other like distant planets.

One late afternoon, as the autumn leaves painted the campus in hues of fire and gold, Y/n found himself seated at the back of the lecture hall, his usual spot where he could observe without drawing much attention. Wonyoung entered, her presence like a ripple across a still pond, causing Y/n's senses to awaken in a way they never had before.

He inhaled deeply, and that's when he caught it – a scent that wove itself into his very soul, rich and intoxicating, a melody that sang of home and wild, untamed forests. His wolf stirred within him, recognizing the call of its mate. His heart raced, and Y/n looked up to see Wonyoung taking a seat several rows ahead, unaware of the storm she had ignited.

Days passed, and the pull between them grew stronger. Y/n struggled to stay away, knowing the complications their bond would bring. But fate is not easily denied. One evening, as the moon hung heavy and full, their paths crossed in the university's library. The building was nearly deserted, the silence between the bookshelves a sanctuary from the world outside.

"Jang Wonyoung," Y/n's voice broke the stillness, surprising them both.

Wonyoung turned, her eyes locking with his, and in that moment, something shifted. "Yes, Y/n-ssi?" she replied, her voice steady, but her heart thumping wildly. The air between them crackled with an energy neither could deny.

"I..." Y/n hesitated, the weight of his next words heavy on his tongue. "I think we need to talk."

They found themselves in a secluded corner, the history section, where tales of empires and forgotten worlds surrounded them. Y/n took a deep breath, his gaze intense. "I believe we are more than just classmates," he began, his voice a whisper. "I think we are... soulmates."

Wonyoung's breath caught in her throat. She had felt the pull, the sensation of completeness whenever he was near, but the implications were vast and dangerous. Their packs were rivals, their futures set on a collision course. But she couldn't deny the truth that resonated in her soul.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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