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The disaster at Poposi was one week in the past. Prince Albert tried his best to watch over Lilian more often, as best as he could. Walking down to streets towards the convenience store where Lilian was working, he was halted by a young man. A schoolmate of his. 

Mason Rosfallen. Prince Albert recognized this football player at Momosu Academy. 

Prince Albert's shoulder was gripped. He was pulled to the side. His protest was no use as this lad was built stronger than him. "Don't fight, I just want to talk," said Mason. 

Mason set his gray eyes to stare intensely into Albert's violent irises. Nothing about Mason screamed friendly. "You, stay away from Idalia. She has a fiancé." 

Prince Albert's eyes widened. Fiancé? His mouth went dry. 

"I saw you dragging her away from the ball last week." Mason gave Prince Albert a dark smile. "I'm telling you to stay away from if not-"

Prince Albert pushed Mason back. "If not what?" The prince stood tall, returning a glare to the audacious football player. If Mason was smart enough, he should reconsider before continuing to threaten a prince. 

"Oh." Mason ran his fingers into his dark hair. "I would never dare to lay a hand on royalty." However, Idalia was bound by contract to be Mason's bride. If she dared to cause damage on the papers, she would have to pay according to the agreement. Moreover, she only got into Poposi due to scholarship from his family.

Hearing Mason's foolish mouth running all the things that Mason could do to Idalia if she breached contract left an unexplainable burn in Prince Albert's chest. Just how badly was Lady Idalia treated in this forced proximity? Prince Albert gritted his teeth. It took every inch of him not to rearrange Mason's face now. 

"That's all," Mason said with much amusement in his tone. "If you really love my Idalia, then stay away." With that, Mason left Prince Albert alone to reflect on his mistake. 

Prince Albert clenched his teeth and fists, watching Mason Rosfallen walking away without harm. Once Mason was out of sight, Prince Albert whipped out his phone and scrolled down his contact list. He clicked on Prince Roel of Arimight.

It took a few tries, but the third one was a charm. The other side picked up and when it did, Prince Albert requested a small favor from his acquaintance. "I want details of Mason Rosfallen, Lady Idalia's fiancé."


The night in his bedroom at the school dorm was serene. Prince Albert smiled as Lady Idalia appeared cheerful on his laptop screen. The video call had only started but she appeared more lively than ever before. 

Lady Idalia hadn't change into her pajamas yet. She was still in her Poposi uniform after taking long hours of study session after school, which she had told Prince Albert that she  was more productive in uniforms than casual clothes. She wasn't wearing makeup. Prince Albert could see acne and breakouts on her skin, which typically happened during her period.

"No, you really don't have to send me chocolates and all that!" She waved him off, a smile on her face. 

Prince Albert smirked. He glanced back to his phone, clicking the shipping details at a local Poposi shop. "Consider this as a thank-you give for helping with the disguise." Once he was done, he showed his phone screen to his laptop camera. He ordered a period care package for Lady Idalia.

Lady Idalia covered her flushed face in embarrassment. "I regret telling you about...that."

"Why?" He smiled, placing his phone away on the table. Focusing back on this video call. "It's normal. There's nothing to be shy about."

"That's not the point, Al!" 

Prince Albert smiled, glad to know she was feeling better now. He was told by Prince Charles, who had received a text from Rena, that Lady Idalia appeared depressed the whole week. The smile on Lady Idalia's face really suited her more. 


Prince Roel of Arimight wore a simple tracksuit and shirt. The warehouse here was heavily guarded and soundproof. Not even ants could crawl inside if the doors were sealed shut. 

A young man was chained, standing up and leaned against the wall. His skin was battered and bruised. Blood pooled over the wall and concreate floors. The handlers must have done a wonderful job prepping this guy up, but he had put a good fight and remained resilient. 

"Rosfallen. Mason's father, correct?" Prince Roel's cold and soothing voice didn't betray the anger in his voice. 

Prince Roel snapped on a couple gloves. Something to protect his clean hands. Interesting choices and choices of tools were materialized on the tray. His violet eyes surveyed which one might be the best to enjoy this session. 

It started out as a favor to Prince Albert. It started out as Prince Roel only needing to dig into Mason Rosfallen's information and history. It started out with the intention of collecting blackmails. 

But the more time the Crown Prince spent looking into the Rosfallen profiles, he learned that it was way more interesting than their reputation. 

"That isn't true!! I have no ties or encounters with—" Rosfallen exclaimed, killing Prince Roel's concentration to choose a weapon.

Based on all the evidence gathered by Prince Roel, he found that Rosfallen was tied to a syndicate that exploded the King's birthday venue last year.

Prince Roel could send him to the court, but the evidence turned self-destructive and all proofs were gone. Now, here he was, trying to gauge information from this man.

"Your involvement with the syndicate has the country suffered into debts." Prince Roel's eyes landed on a butterfly knife. A cruel smile curled on his lips. "You're going to tell me before I kill you."

His eyes widened. "If I tell you, will you spare me—"

Prince Roel stared at him. He repeated, "You will tell me before I kill you." Death wasn't an option, it was the outcome.

Helping Prince Albert was a bonus. Finding out who was slightly responsible for the Arimighti economical state and safety was the real deal.

Prince Roel was glad to pick up the call now. He thrust the blade into Rosfallen's gut, drawing out screams out that man's throat.

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