Chapter eight

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The following morning, Isabel approached school with trepidation, her mind still reeling from yesterday's events.

As she entered the classroom, her gaze fell upon Aria. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, a silent battle playing out between them.

Mrs. Robinson, the math teacher watches them both intensely after having heard what happened yesterday. "Isabel sit down please."

Isabel sits far away from Aria, she can't even stand next to her, the anger is too much.

Seated at opposite ends of the classroom, Isabel and Aria maintained a chilly distance. Their hostile energy permeated the space, making everyone uncomfortable.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Students rushed to gather their belongings, eager to escape the charged atmosphere.

Amidst the bustle, Isabel and Aria moved to leave simultaneously, their bodies brushing against each other. A ripple of shock ran through the room.

Aria scowled, her eyes darting accusingly at Isabel. Meanwhile, Isabel's gaze remained steady, her expression devoid of remorse.

With a final, frosty glare, Aria stormed out, leaving Isabel alone in the classroom. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what came next.

Isabel made her way to history class where Ms. Gordon already is, typing on her computer not noticing Isabel at first.

The redhead's gaze averts from her computer and to the hazel eyes staring directly at her. "Good morning Ms. Reyes." Isabel forces a smile. "Good morning ma'am."

Ms. Gordon gets up and walks up to where Isabel is sitting, once seated on her desk, the redhead's skirt rides up making Isabel's eyes travel down.

Isabel couldn't help but stare at the expanse of thigh revealed by Ms. Gordon's skirt. Heat flooded her cheeks, but she refused to look away.

Ms. Gordon's voice boomed throughout the room, turning Isabel's attentionon her "Like what you see, Ms. Reyes?"

Isabel blushed furiously, her gaze locked with Ms. Gordon's. "No, Ma'am," she stammered, unable to look away.

The redhead chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Lies won't save you, darling. We both know the truth."

Students enter the classroom and the redhead distances herself from Isabel greeting everyone. "Class, please take your seats." 

As the lesson continued, Ms. Gordon's gaze kept drifting back to Isabel. Each glance was loaded with unspoken threats and promises.

Isabel squirmed in her seat, her thoughts consumed by their earlier encounter. She couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that clung to her.

Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. As students filed out, Isabel hesitated, unsure whether to leave or remain. Ms. Gordon beckoned her closer with a flick of her wrist. "Stay behind, Isabel."

Heart hammering in her chest, Isabel complied, waiting as the last student exited. When they were alone, Ms. Gordon closed the door.

"Don't make me regret this, Isabel," she warned, her voice low and dangerous. Isabel blinked, confusion clouding her features. "Regret what, Ms. Gordon?"

The teacher stepped closer, her eyes never leaving Isabel's. "Trusting you," she replied cryptically. "Consider yourself warned."

A chill ran down Isabel's spine, uncertainty gripping her. "What do you want from me?" she asked hesitantly. Ms. Gordon smirked, reaching out to caress Isabel's cheek gently. "Patience, my dear. All in good time."

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