Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

"Anyways it was super funny...and-" A girl turned the corner, her phone in hand.

Her Jet-black hair, her silly strut, her squeaky, not her, ANYONE but her...why oh, why...she's not going to react well to this...

Her eyes rose up from her phone to me and Dayn and she froze.

"Hello, Marie??? What's happening, you good??" her friend's worried voice came through from the phone in her hand.

She stayed in shock for a couple seconds before she changed back to a devious, smug look, the kind of look that says, "I'm about to do something VERY evil against you, and that you just made a BIG mistake" well I'm guessing that's what it says, it could be saying a lot worse, I mean I don't know really ever know what's going on in that girls head, I mean she's quite unpredictable at times, like that time she started rumours about our science teacher, well our old one...days passed and at a certain point everyone heard (including teachers) about the rumours and our poor science teacher got fired. They didn't even bother checking if it was true or not, just got rid of him straight away.

Anyways it's not her spreading rumours that shocked me it was that she got a whole teacher FIRED, I mean what did that science teacher do to her??? Nothing...and it was so sudden to...

We both looked at her stunned, unsure of what to do, she gave us both a strange smile and continued strutting away, she reassured her friend on the phone, "Don't worry!! It's nothing, just found two little bugs on the floor..." She sneered at us; I kissed my teeth back at her.
"Ewww BUGS?? squash them!!!" her friend said in disgust through the phone. Marie put her hands on her hips, "Don't worry I will...".
I was still looking at her in disbelief and hatred when I felt Dayn shove me away and get up, I winced at the pain. I watched him get up and speed walk past Marie, he turned his head whilst he was walking and gave me a dirty look. I huffed, how dare he...that little...
My thoughts were interrupted when Marie ended the phone call with her friend then started walking right over my LEG where my injury was, I screamed out, "OW WHY WOULD YOU...!" she grabbed my ponytail and pulled it up, so she was closer to me, she hissed "I can spread rumours about you and get you expelled, don't underestimate me, understand?? What happened to our old science teacher can happen to you too..." She let go of my hair and continued her strut down the path.

Why...first day back from the holiday and this happens, at this point I might as well just stay at home...I'll just have to endure the pain, not going to risk asking for help again...

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