Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

??? POV:

Her warm smile, her kind laugh, all goes cold with my touch. I remember her laugh at my warning, as if I was joking, making it up completely.

"You can't be serious! There's just no way- pfft." She looks at me smug. "Well-" I open my mouth to speak before I get interrupted again.

"You've told me time and time again to avoid any physical contact with you at all to prevent getting "hurt" but never tell me how I would get hurt. It's just some touch, what's the worst that can happen??" she asks whilst grinning at me, but before I can answer she reaches for my hand and squeezes it tight; my eyes widen with shock as I try pull away as quickly as possible, but it's too late, it's gotten to her. The curse. My curse.

I watch as her warm rosy cheeks quickly lose their color and turn pale. I watch as her sparkling eyes lose their sparkle, their bright shine lost. I watch as her last tears of regret roll down her pale cheeks. I watch as she falls to her knees, as she lays lifeless on the ground, as she gets put in her coffin, as she gets buried.

It was all too sudden. I shouldn't have ever tried making friends. Ever tried socializing.

I killed her. It was me. No one else, just me.

That was the start of it all, ever since I managed to avoid people and all sorts of physical contact.

Until I met her. That's when I learnt my curse, its power is diminishing.

My heart aches with pain, why after killing all the people I'm close to, do you decide to leave now?


I look over her, in her hospital bed, still pale, but her heart still beats fervently. "Elsie" that one girl called her. She survived. Experienced similar side effects when exposed to my curse, like the others, but survived?

And that other girl. The sassy one. She didn't even experience the side effects. She was completely normal, didn't even turn pale.

I notice Elsie's eyes wide open and staring at me, I look back down at her. We don't speak but I still manage to understand.

I put my gloves on, and put my gloved hand over her eyes, and whisper "Sleep." I raise my hand and watch as her eyelids slowly close and wait until her breath goes steady.

"Trying to charm my friend, hm." I turn my head, the other girl. Rosa is standing there, hands on hips, smiling.

"I'll leave now." I quickly got up and headed for the door. As I walked past her, I heard her mutter loud enough more me to hear.

"It was you. Wasn't it?" She looks at me, I notice her bandage wrapped around lazily and loosely around her wound from this morning.


"Well excuse me mister but you can't just ask someone for something and not at least say PLEASE."

I don't pay attention to her response; I lift her up and set her down on the table. "Huh!! W-wait hey!!" She says startled.

I gently undo the messily wrapped bandage and wrap it carefully and properly.

I think, what if I tried taking off my glove and touching her knee? But what if- no. I need to do this. To know once and for all if she truly is immune to my curse. I hesitate as I reach to pull my glove off my hand, then when I finally gather enough courage, I pull it off in one swift movement and reach for her.

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