part one

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atsushi was names freminet, living in a orphanage own by the harbinger named arlecchino but one day freminet decided to run and change his identity but one day his siblings and father found him.

-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-bungo strays dogs and genshin impact, atsushi doesn't have a ability but has a vision.

Warning: suicide(dazai)

Also possibly spoilers for genshin impact!!

(freminet is one of my favorite characters in genshin impact!)

(This is so bad😭)

Words: 868
Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Before atsushi was knows to be atsushi, he was once names freminet. freminet was living in a orphanage, called the the house of the hearth, it was own by a harbinger, name arlecchino. freminet has many siblings but he was mostly close with the twins, names lyney and lynette. freminet wasn't confident as a siblings, freminet was a assassin but still he wasn't confident. freminet wasn't really noticed a lot, lyney and lynette were noticed a lot, freminet was just in the shadows. Freminet try his best to not get in trouble, father didn't like disobedient children, still father did love the children, she just has to be harsh and strict on them.

One day freminet has enough, he decides to run away. It was the middle of the night, most of the kids were sleeping, it was the perfect time to leave. freminet didn't pack much, he didn't have much anyways but he made sure to grab pers. "Goodbye.." Feminet said, freminet quickly left and didn't dare to look back, he was going to miss lyney and lynette. freminet didn't know what to do but he knew he had to get a new identity. Freminet decided to change his name to atsushi, and atsushi decided to get different clothes so he didn't look recognizable. Atsushi also wears makeup to find his freckles. "I hope no one will recognize me, the fatui doesn't really come to here for business..I should be good.." Atsushi said to himself as he walked somewhere.

Everything was going perfectly, atsushi just needed a job. Atsushi didn't know what to do as atsushi was thinking about what to do, his saw a man trying to killed himself in a river. Atsushi quickly went to save the man, that's how he met dazai. Dazai was a weird person in atsushi eyes, atsushi just didn't understand dazai but no one really understood him. "I never seen you before." Dazai said, atsushi just say nothing as he stare at the weird man, suddenly dazai offered atsushi a job and atsushi accepted it

That how atsushi meet the whole agency, most of the agency member were a bit weird, kunikida was the most normal one there but atsushi didn't mind it. "you're so adorable!" Naomi said, tanizaki was just trying to stop his sister, while dazai talked to the president about atsushi. "What your name?" Fukuzawa slowly asked as he walked closer to atsushi, no one knew atsushi names. "It atsushi..." Atsushi slowly said as he looked down, atsushi haven't really gotten used to his new name, it going to take a while to get used to it. "How old are you?" Kunikida asked, atsushi didn't lie about his age so he just told them.

"I'm seventeen.." Atsushi said, atsushi was still a minor so they couldn't give him a trial or a test so atsushi was allowed to join with no issues and he was glad about that. "I know how to fight.." Atsushi said, dazai just smiled, that was perfect, it was less work for dazai. No one knew about atsushi having a vision, there was nothing wrong with vision, atsushi didn't want the agency to know about it. "What that?" Kenji suddenly said as he pointed at pers, atsushi just turned red. "This is pers..I made them.." Atsushi slowly said, everyone was impressed by that, atsushi was just red from embarrassment. "Cool!" Kenji said with a bit smile, atsushi got so many compliment, he didn't expect it and it was a lot.

Atsushi like being in the agency though, the agency members were kind to him and treated him with respect. It was a lot different from what he used to live but it wasn't bad at all. Atsushi was happy and that all that really matters, atsushi still missed his siblings. Atsushi didn't mind fighting, he didn't have to killed anymore and he was glad about that. No one knew about atsushi past, he didn't tell the agency about it and it wasn't in his files or anything so there was no evidence, which was good.

The agency was technically enemies with fatui harbinger, the agency never did business with them, even the port mafia were enemies with them, the fatui harbinger has many enemies. Atsushi didn't want to be kicked out, he was technically a part of the fatui, many children from the house of the hearth become members of the fatui, atsushi just didn't want them to know, he didn't want to be judged or anything.

It was easy to keep in a secret though no one expected it so no one asked about it. Atsushi didn't plan on telling them at all.

(😌 to be continued.)


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