part three

135 8 5

-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-bungo strays dogs and genshin impact, atsushi doesn't have a ability but has a vision.


Words: 836
Not canon reaction
Third person pov

It was a normal day for atsushi, he was doing report as usual. The door of the agency was suddenly slammed opened, everyone immediately looked at the door. Atsushi eyes widen in shocked as he stare at the twins, both lyney and lynette looked worried, atsushi has never really seen lynette worry, lynette is always worried about lyney but never worried about atsushi so this was new. "Where freminet!?" Lyney yelled, no one in the agency knew a freminet, atsushi slowly stands up, immediately lyney and lynette looked relieved to see atsushi again.

"freminet!" Lyney said as he run to hug atsushi, atsushi just looked down, he didn't even hug lyney back. The agency member looked confused, they didn't know what was going on. "Freminet?" Dazai said as he looked at the other, the agency member, they just say nothing as lyney hold onto atsushi, he didn't dare to let go, he didn't want to lose his siblings again. " we've been looking for you! Father didn't know where you were!" Lyney said, lynette just nod in agreement. "It's atsushi..I go by atsushi now.." Atsushi slowly said, both lyney and lynette looked confused but nodded, they were just happy to see him again.

"'re from the house of the hearth." Dazai suddenly said, lyney just glare at dazai, while the other get ready to fight. Kyouka was ready to attack as well, she was right next to atsushi  "Do you know them, atsushi?" Kunikida asked, atsushi just slowly nod, he didn't know what to do or what to say. "Father is coming.." Lynette said, atsushi looked horrified to hear that, he didn't want to be punished. "I'm glad, you're okay." Lyney said with a small smile, atsushi just looked nervous, everyone knew that. Suddenly arlecchino walk into the agency, naomi went to get the president and the whole agency was on guard.

"Freminet.." arlecchino  slowly said as she walked up to atsushi, atsushi just looked scared. "I go by atsushi now.." Atsushi slowly said, arlecchino just hum. "you look different, where were you?" arlecchino asked, they had no idea that atsushi actually ran away. "I ran away father....I'm sorry.." Atsushi said, both lyney and lynette looked surprised to hear that, they didn't expect that at all, even arlecchino was a bit surprised. Fukuzawa was in the main office, he didn't say anything. "Why!?" Lyney asked, atsushi just looked away, arlecchino just sigh. "I just..didn't want to do it anymore, I didn't want to killed.." Atsushi said, the agency looked shocked to hear that. "Does the agency treat you well?" arlecchino asked, atsushi just nodded, suddenly arlecchino pat atsushi head.

"I'm glad." arlecchino said, atsushi looked shocked, both lyney and lynette looked sad. "Stay with the agency, if that's what you want but the house of hearth always will be your home, if you want to come back." arlecchino said and then she walked away, atsushi was shocked, he didn't expect that, even lynette and lyney looked surprised as well. Lynette suddenly hugged atsushi, atsushi just hug back, lyney looked offended. "I didn't get a hug back!" Lyney said, atsushi just chuckled and suddenly atsushi was hug again by lyney. "What just happened?" Tanizaki asked, everyone was still pretty confused.

Atsushi just sighed and he started to explain everything, the agency was surprised about this, they didn't expect this at all. "Wow.." Dazai said, atsushi just looked down again. "you should at least told us." Lynette said, lyney just nodded in agreement, atsushi just nodded. "you're not going to get kicked out at all." Fukuzawa said, atsushi just smiled, he was glad about that. "Why is she still glaring at us?" Lyney asked as he stare at kyouka, kyouka just didn't say anything. "Kyouka is overprotective of atsushi!" Dazai said, kyouka was overprotective. "Kyouka, they're my siblings, they won't hurt me." Atsushi said, kyouka just nodded.

"you became a lot more confident! I remember, when you always whispered when talking!!" Lyney said, atsushi just turn red, lynette just smiled. "we should get going, we will be visiting you." Lynette said as she basically drag her brother away. "If you hurt atsushi! I will come after you!" Lyney said and then they were gone, lyney was also overprotective of his siblings. "Lyney has always been overprotective of me..and the other." Atsushi said with a nervous smile, everyone just nodded, they understood that. "Wait..does that mean you have a vision?" Kenji asked, atsushi just nodded.

"I have a cryo vision.." Atsushi said, the agency was surprised. "Cool!!" Kenji said, kyouka just smiled. Soon everything went back to normal, nothing really changed at all. Atsushi was happy and that all that really matters in the ended.

(Idk if this is the end, I have no more idea.😭)

(😔i need ideas, something new😭)

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