Pretty boy, Alex Quackity.

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                                                                       Y/N's POV

Alex Quackity...where do I start with him..? Well I guess for starters he's just a typical cute Mexican who parties and makes bad decisions. Alex is the guy that nearly everyone likes or wants or maybe even had relations or hookups with him before, boys and girls. Being with Alex is like having a cool silly band that everyone wants in elementary school. But most importantly..

He's my ex.

Yes yes I know very typical..I get to brag about how I was with him at one point to everyone although I must admit..being with him really wasn't all that..but I mean people seem to envy me for dating him for a few months (was it a few months? I cant remember)

I just wished he turned out different you know? Without all the drugs drinking and partying..but I guess you can't change the ways of the moon or whatever but you also can't change yourself much for the moon I mean yeah usually you sleep when the moons out and about but sometimes you can't seem to change your sleeping schedule for it either..but that's just me using a silly analogy or whatever their called.



"Uggh..." y/n groaned hearing the sound of her alarm as sat up sleepily and frustratedly as she turned off the alarm making the obnoxious beeps come to an end

She got up and brushed out her hair and went to her closet and looked for an outfit.
(Also I'm seeing y/n as a coquette style person [not to be confused with all light pink 2024 coquette] so feel free to imagine any outfit you want if the one I picked doesn't align with your style, Little Darlings :3 )

(Also I'm seeing y/n as a coquette style person [not to be confused with all light pink 2024 coquette] so feel free to imagine any outfit you want if the one I picked doesn't align with your style, Little Darlings :3 )

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Again feel free ti imagine any other outfit in any other style !! :3

After Y/N gets dressed she decided she'll just leave her hair down for today and head off to school..


Author notes!
Yay! One chapter done!
Idrk where I'm taking this story tbh this is my first one lol!
But wherever the story goes I'm willing to take suggestions from u guys!
Hope u Little Darlings enjoyed this chapter!

371 words!

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