Chance <33

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A couple of weeks went by and Alex was happy with his girlfriend for a while..he still felt like he'd be happier with y/n but still loved his new gf nonetheless until another few weeks..

Alex found out his new girlfriend was cheating.. and yes it did hurt a lot but at the same time it was almost as if it was perfect timing because Alex really wanted to be with y/n again he was happy that he didn't have to choose between his brain and his heart as he thought to himself he'd find y/n at school the next day.

Alex was really nervous..what if he chickened out? What if she was over him by now? What if she was still upset? Maybe he should just stop his overthinking right now..because there's really nothing for him to lose..he had good himself that no matter the results he'd be happy as long as y/n was happy with or without him..and he already lost his girlfriend..

But thinking about those made it even worse because how could he be happy without her? And he'd be single.. man this is gonna be so hard..

Next day

Alex was dreading actually finding y/n mostly because of the endless outcomes that could and couldn't happen..actually..had Alex even seen y/n all day? No..he hadn't..odd.

Later Alex spotted Niki "Niks!" He called out to her before Niki turned around with a raised eyebrow ignoring the fact he just called her by the name y/n calls her "have you seen y/n at all today?" Niki just turned away from him stubbornly and Alex sighed this is gonna be really hard..

Alex just skipped his last two periods and looked for her everywhere at the bus garage after school and finally seen her and ran up to her and grabbed her and pinned her against the fence

Y/n seemed confused, she also looked like she wanted nothing to do with Alex right now..understandable enough but Alex just really needed to tell her..

"Y/n..I love you..a lot...can we start our relationship over? I'll be whatever you want or need me to be.."

Y/n looked shocked but just hugged herself to Alex happily "I love you too..pretty boy.." Alex smiled hearing those words as he lifted up her face to have her look up at him before he kissed her softly..

With that kiss no one existed other emotions existed..just her love for Alex and Alex's love for y/n..

Y/n knew that this relationship would actually have a true meaning and that they could be whatever they needed eachother to be this time..

Y/n and Alex r finally together!

473 words!

Ecstasy {Alex Q. X y/n / reader}Where stories live. Discover now