Just the Average Friday or Whatever

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Y/N rode the bus to school just as she did on any other school day. Sitting down in a seat, checking her phone, turning on her earbuds, and turning on Spotify on the ride to school just as she did any other day.


She turned off her earbuds and music and put her phone in her bag before getting off of the bus and heading into the school.

She twisted in the code to her locker and placed her bag in her locker, she then closed it and walked into her home room grabbed her Chromebook and sat down waiting for home room to end.

She listened to the people around her and they seemed to be talking about..ofc they were talking about that.

The party that Jschlatt would be throwing next Friday.

I really don't understand why it's such a big deal these boys are always throwing crazy parties left and right yet everyone got all excited for them..



Finally the bell rang..Y/N got up and made her way to her locker and grabbed her science book and her pencil case and went to her science class..hopefully todays an easy class

She walked in and sat down in her assigned seat and looked at the board that read "open your notebooks to page 42 and wait until the teacher comes in." Seemed easy enough..y/n opened her notebook and waited until the teacher came in she don't mind waiting too much..the more time the teacher took the better.

When the teacher came in the room she seemed a bit tired so that must mean we're only taking notes.

The teacher explained that today they'd be taking notes and put the notes up in the board for them to copy down.

Time skip to after lunch <3

Now that y/n's morning classes were done she had to head to P.E now..how wonderful..

Y/N grabbed her water bottle from her locker and headed down the halls and made her way to the locker rooms where she changed into knee length loose shorts and a shirt that was just a little big on her. She put on her deodorant and sprayed some perfume of herself before walking into the p.e room where she saw Alex Quackity.. this is why she hated p.e because it meant having to see him..

Today the class was doing volleyball. Okay I guess.

Y/n didnt seem to be the best at this.. she heard her teammates make small comments everytime she messed something up..

She tried to hit the ball in the air but flinched fearing that the ball would hit her when she felt arms around her shoulders and seen a pair of arms hit the ball for her she turned around blushing softly to see..Alex..

"Try to do better next time okay darling.?" Alex told her more in an ordering tone making y/n blush a bit more.

—————time skip to the end of the day 😱

The school day was finally over and y/n went and grabbed her bag and made sure she had everything with her in there..
She should probably take her school books home too her missing assignments were building up after all..eh it can wait till next weekend. She thought to herself already forgetting about all of her missing work and spotting an envelope so she mindlessly grabbed it and stuffed it in her bag not really bothering to check it.

Yippee! Another chapter!
I hope you Little Darlings enjoyed this one!
Feel free to give me feedback!
And recommendations!

612 words!

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