Chapter 12🔥

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Hello lovely's 🥰

I don't even know how to describe how grateful I am for all the new readers and votes. Thank you so much y'all ❤️

I hope you like this Chapter, I'm absolutely exhausted from this week, I have exams all through this next month, and I'm going to the Enhypen Fate plus concert  with one of my best friends, super stoked!  

Also I saw there are a couple of reader from Australia, and I just want to apologize if I ever use a slang term or phrase of yours wrong I'm trying my absolute best, based off of my limited knowledge I have from hanging out with my half Aussie friends.

 Underlined = Korean


⚠️Do not try any of this at home unless everyone is a consenting adult⚠️

After driving for some time, we arrived at a shopping strip. It appeared to be their version of Rodeo Drive (infamously luxurious shopping area in L.A., they show it in Pretty Woman which is also such a good movie, go watch it if you haven't✨). We pull into a valet parking garage, and Chris tells me to pull my hair up and pull my hood over. He hands me a mask, glass sunglasses, and baseball cap, and tells me to put it on while he and Min do the same.

"We can't be caught by cameras where we're going or it's gonna be a massive scandal. So try to walk less feminine, and more like a teenage boy. No hip swaying, slouch and drag your feet instead." He instructs, in hushed tone

"Chris, you're scaring me." I was wondering what was the reason for all the strange rules.

"It'll make sense when we get where we're going." He says, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Come on, the quicker we get there the quicker I can hold your hand without being paranoid." Min whispers to me.

We walked a short way just cutting through an alley, so we could enter a store from the back. An employee was waiting for us, to escort us to a private changing room, where another employee was pouring three flutes of champagne. The room is brightly lit, with a black leather couch encircling a glass coffee table. There was a small rise pedal stole to lift someone up so you could see garments better in the full length mirrors panels lining the circular room.

"Welcome please take a seat and look through the pictures, or you can tell the stylist what you are looking for and we can pull options. Ring the bell and we'll be here in less than a second." She tells Chris before bowing and leaving us be.

"Ohhh do I get to pick what you guys wear! Sweet, I get to dress you guys up like barbie dolls! You're right this is the best surprise ever!" I exclaim bouncy up and down but they just look at eachother and laugh.

"We not here for us." Min looked at me incredulously.

"Then why are we here?" I ask dumbfounded, still not getting it.

"We thought you'd like to go shopping at a European boutique, that's your surprise." Chris says studying my face.

"Surprise!" Min says giving me jazz hands. (That one clip of him)

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