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Oh shit...I'm screwed

I step back turning around preparing to flee when someone holds my hand in a tight grip I struggle to remove his hand from my wrists all in vain.
He's just too strong~
I spin around to meet Ayanokoji's face.
I'm done for I wonder what he'll do to me....since he saw me will it affect the plot

I'm lost in thought standing still waiting for him to do something.....anything when I smile awkwardly.
"I guess I wasn't supposed to see, huh?" I shrug as I glance behind him to lock eyes with Manabu.
"What a pleasant surprise....we meet again" I grin widely as I side step Kiyotaka and walk to Manabu sensing Kiyotaka's gaze on you.

Ill make sure you fall for me Kiyo~ ill make sure of it.....but first.....Manabu

I pull out my phone and stretch it towards him in anticipation. He stares at it for a moment then looks back at me.
"I didn't say I was going to give you my number" He spoke with a stoic expression and my expression fell. There lay a dark glint in your eyes at being rejected but you blink it away as you stare back at him,
"Yes you did" I whine pouting trying to look as cute as possible but he didn't budge.
"You're such a buzz kill" My expression neutralizes as I give him a smirk. To this he raises a brow and I know I've caught his attention.

"I could always tell the authorities that you physically harassed someone....." I say twirling my hair curls and he snorts.
"You've forgotten I'm the student council president-"
"Who is not above the school rules" I completely his sentence with a smile. I poke his chest with my finger.
"If the school doesn't do anything.........the student's will, now....that number"

After pondering for a few seconds weighing the pro and cons of my request he begrudgingly snatches my phone from my hand and types his digits. I smile widely as I  giggle.
When he passes it back I save his number as "Hot shot XXX" when I look back up he's already walking away and I sigh clutching the phone to my chest as I sigh in content.

Today turned out better than I expected, I got Manabu's digits...that's one thing off my bucket list

I turn around and almost crash into Kiyotaka's chest.... which wouldn't have been a bad thing.
"Do you like him?" He questions in his monotone voice and I raise a brow

Did I give off that impression? I like-no I love you Kiyotaka....he's just a fling

I keep silent though allowing thoughts to fill his head as I walk away not before hearing   Kiyotaka ask Suzune what that was about
Good it's still going on according to the anime
I walk back to my room and crash on my bed I stare at the ceiling deep in thought, pondering.

I don't know what's going on with me or how I ended up here....neither do I know why we share the same name....it could be a coincidence but I have a feeling it's not....I don't know if there's a catch added to my transmigration or if I'll return back one day.
But there's one thing I know, I'm going to make the most of my day here and make it all count. In any way possible....I'll do any and everything I want to...I'll make sure of that, I swear

I sat up abruptly from my bed and open a drawer beside me taking out a note book and a pen. I stare at the book for a few moments before I scribble on the front page of the notebook "Classroom of the elite bucket list: a hundred things to do before I graduate"
I'm not certain that I'm even going to graduate but I will complete everything on the list...even if it's the last thing I do in this world.
I open it and write,
No. 1 Meet Kiyotaka
I then proceed to cross it out
No. 2 Get Manabu's digits
I cross it out too tapping my pen on my chin thinking an Idea flows into my head and I write it down.
No. 3 Get a kiss from Yosuke
No. 4 Make out with Manabu


I sigh exhaustion taking over as I fall on to the bed.
Thinking is a lot of work
I couldn't even finish a 100 things on the list. My mind strays and I think back to my old life and my family, my brother. The comment my brother made before I left the house enters my heard and so does the other cruel comments made by people around me flood back into my head.

You're just like the other geeks stupid!!

You think this will get you anywhere wake up from your delusions!!

Love? For something that doesn't exist you're even more dumb than I thought!!

Their snide remarks and snickering clawed their way back into my head...the bullying, attempted suicide that no one found out about.

You can't even kill yourself you're so pathetic!!!!!
The laughs echoes in my ear as I stare blankly at the white ceiling deattached.

I stare at the ceiling for a few more minutes  snickering quietly in a few seconds it turns to a full on chortle as I cover my eyes with my arm a mad glint in them.

I've found you Kiyotaka and I don't think I'll ever let you go..... I'll even drag you to my world if need be because you belong to ME, no one else can have you....ill show them, I'll show them that I've met you in the flesh....I'll make sure no one stands in the way of our love even if it's Kei or Arisu or even Suzune....I'll get rid of all of them.
I've waited a long time for this day and I'm not going to let it slip away from my hands so easily......no, just wait Kiyotaka wait for me

I stare at the notebook in my hand and write down the last number
No. 56 Get fucked by Kiyotaka


                     Author's Note
Wow that was some deep shit
Why do I love writing psychopathic shit....anyways I hope you like my stories cuz I'm spending a heck lot of my time writtin 'em.
Sorry it's so short....I don't really know how to write long chapters cuz my brain always dies Midway.

So, I'm not going to be following the plot of COTE unless necessary so I need ideas on what scenes to add.

If you have any in mind.... please do tell
Also sorry if there are any mistakes in spelling I didn't proofread it

I guess that's all...

Love y'all 💞💞💋

See ya<333

In A Dream: COTE Fanfiction (On Haitus)Where stories live. Discover now