Chapter 16

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"I can't explain the whole essay on my own Sebastian" I had a disappointed look on my face , Sebastian also looked like he was not pleased with it . "I'm sorry , but you can improvise now , I'm here to help" he smiled . I nodded and quickly threw the leftovers of my clothes in the closet and picked up the clothes which needed to be washed "I'll just be right back" I came out of my room and went downstairs .

Mom was sitting in the lining room watching TV , I smiled at her and went into the laundry room . The washing machine was open , I put the clothes in , poured the detergent liquid and turned it on . I sighed and leaned on the wall .

"Why the long face?" I looked at the door , mom . "Nothing" I smiled . She came and patted my head "You go and finish your project , I'll do the laundry" mom took the laundry basket from . I nodded and hugged her .

I opened the door , Sebastian looked at me . He was going through my books? "What's up?" I asked as I closed the door . He looked at my bookshelf and pointed . I went near him and saw what he was pointing to "You have the whole collection of these two books" he looked at me , he was rather surprised . "I love to read and these two are my top fav" I sat on the edge of my bed and faced him . "So.. do you like to read?"

He sat down on the window seat "Yeah , I guess . I have read some books , including Harry Potter and The Great Affair , which are my favorites yet" I gasped "Then you have the HP collection too?" He shook his head and replied "No.. sadly I don't . I have only read the first book" , "Oh..well , if you want , uhm.. I can let you borrow mine.. to read" His eyes widened "Really?" He had the tone of surprise . I smiled and got up , I traced my fingers and took out one book . "Here , this is the second one , after you come back here , return it to me AND don't lose it" I handed him the book . He took it and got up "Thank You" I smiled .

~2 Hour Time Skipped~

I yawn , it's always boring these projects , that's why I didn't get A's in projects . "You bored?" He asked , I smiled and nodded . He chuckled "Well , let's take a break" I immediately got up and sat straight . "Let's go out , have you seen the park over here?" I closed my books and arranged them .

"No , where is it?" He was showing curiosity and I liked that . I kept my books on the table "Just behind that house" I pointed from my window , he looked down to that house . It was a vacant house , it's been vacant since 1 year , don't know why nobody buys it . "It's very close by" He looks back at me .

I tied my hair up in a ponytail and just touched up my face . I took my earbuds in my pocket and my phone in hand . "Let's go" I said , we both came out of my room and went downstairs .

"Are you guys going somewhere?" Mom asked as we reached down the stairs , mom was standing near the main door setting her shoes . "Yeah , we are , to the park" I got my sneakers out and wore it . "She was getting bored , so I thought that we could use a break" Sebastian said while putting his shoe on . "Oh.. you're thoughtful , well have fun and be back soon" We both smiled and went out .

We were walking side by side , even though the sun shined bright , there was a cold wind . The leaves swayed and twirled as the wind whispered thought the trees . I took a deep breath , it gave my 'bored' body a relief . I just love the nature so much , I'm not an outside girl but sometimes I like to go out and spend some time alone . Except for Jenna and mom , I was always alone in the park but now I guess I have another someone .

I looked at Sebastian , he was looking down with his hands in his pocket . As soon as he looked up , my head snapped forwards . I smiled . I suppose he smiled too , then the park came in our sight . We both entered the park , kids playing and running around here and there , some parents talking and keeping their eye on the children and some teenagers sitting .

"Let's go there , that place is my favorite" I pointed towards a tree with big branches , Sebastian followed my finger and his eyes widened a bit like he knew something . "What?" I questioned "Huh?" he looked at me "What? Nothing , let's go?" I nodded after a second and we went to that tree .

There was a bench under the shade of the tree , I felt something in my heart , something happy , relieved . The wind blew through my hair , I removed the hair the cam on my eyes . "What the hell?"

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