Chapter 17

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"What the hell?" I turned around , Sebastian wasn't there . I looked back and fourth , I couldn't see him anywhere . Seriously .

~1Hour Time Skip~

I came back home after sometime , it was past 12pm . "Oh hey!" mom paused and looked behind me "You're alone? Where's Sabastian?" mom finished . I looked at her . Should I tell her that he suddenly left me all by myself or... not? . I forced a smile "Oh , he went" I stopped and sighed "I'll be up in my room" I went upstairs .

I threw myself on the bed "Ugh" a groan left my mouth . Oh , Jenna . I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jenna . "Hey" Jenna spoke "Hi , uh.. I need to talk about something" , "What?" , I took a deep breath

"So , long story short , Sebastian came this morning to finish our project as he's going somewhere tonight , and he's not going to be back tomorrow . We got bored after a while so we went out to the park nearby , I even showed him my fav secret place too . We were talking and then winds blew and my hair covered my face , I removed them from my face and then bam! He's not there . I looked all around but couldn't find him , so I retuned after a few minutes"

"What the heck! Who the hell does he think he is?!" Jenna shouted over the phone "I mean , how could he do this to me?" I paused and sat straight with a pillow on my lap and my elbows on it "He's not coming tomorrow so I have to present this project on my own , he told me that we'd finish this project before tonight but then he leaves abruptly" I huffed .

"Well , can't you finish this project on your own?" , I looked over at my laptop "I obviously can , but we divided the topics equally.. so I don't know what he thought and selected which part of that particular topic because I haven't read his topics" , Jenna sighed . "Well , I'll hang up now , I need to finish this topic today . Bye!" I hung up the phone and kept it aside .

I brought the laptop on my lap and opened it . The screen turned on and the website on which we were doing the project came up . Shit , I always forget to close the laptop windows . What am I going to do?

~1Hour Skipped~

"Honey! Lunch is ready! Come downstairs" mom shouted , I could barely hear her as my door was closed so I checked the time , we had lunch at this time so I took my phone in my hand and went downstairs . I pulled the chair and sat down . "What's for lunch?" mom smiled and kept the dish on the table "Well , since you're mood is down , I thought that I should make something that'd cheer you up" she removed the dish cover . Lasagna . Filled with my favorite type of pasta and cheese . The sweet and spicy smell reaches my nose . I smiled and sat down "So..? Are you cheered up?" I nodded , mom chuckled . We both started eating .

~30 Minutes Time Skipped~

"I'm full , thanks a lot mom" I placed my hand on my stomach . A notification pops on my phone Good afternoon , students let me clear one thing : You are not allowed to present your project alone . Hence , both you and your partner have to do it together . I tap the notification and the group chat opens up . "What the freaking hell!" I shouted "Bevy! Mind your language!" I look up "Sorry mom , I couldn't help it . My professor just sent a text saying that both me and my partner have to be there , I can't do it alone" I sulked . "So? Did you forget that you have a partner?"

Mom didn't know because I didn't tell her . My expression changed . "Wait , did something happened at the park?" mom immediatly asked "He won't come tomorrow , we didn't know that we both have to be present before" I explained . Mom released a sigh an nodded her head "Why don't you ask your teacher if he can spare you this time?" mom gave me an idea , which I did think but what if he doesn't? I have this feeling that he won't and I will fail in this project . I freaking hate Sebastian so much like a lot! Who does this? Don't get me wrong but someone shouldn't be so careless about a project . Yeah , I know that I sound too nerdy or like a study person but that's totally not right , I just don't want to have a bad impression on my teacher before exam .

Mom stood up , picked up the dishes and went towards the kitchen . "I'll call him now" I said and went to the living room and sat down on the couch . Every time , every time I sit on this couch ; I remember dad and mom's fighting , how mom scolded me .. To me , this is just a reminder that mom and dad were not meant to be together , yet I still wonder why or how they married each other? I suppose love does die after a while...

"Hello? Professer?"
"Hello there , who am I speaking to?"
"I'm Bevy Sruce , sir"
"Oh , Bevy . What happened?"
"Sir , can I submit my project alone . Because sir , my partner is not going to be able to attend school tomorrow"
"No , I already gave the message in the group chat . Didn't I?"
I release a disappointed sigh and bit my lower lip . Mom was sitting beside me and she must have guessed it already . I didn't wanna hear this at all . I hung up the call and released the phone from my grip and it fell on the couch . Mom tapped my shoulder "It's okay hun , do the next one on your own" mom's voice was soothing . Mom is right , but I worked very hard and Sebastian ruined it all .

Sebastian's POV

I walked away from Bevy and left her stranded at the park . I had to , my sister and brother came over there to find me and I couldn't let them know Bevy , that's just not at all what I want . I hope Bevy can forgive me for leaving her there suddenly and also not completing the project . I'll later ask someone in class what happens yesterday . I really want her to pass though .

I don't know why , but I feel a kind of connection with her . Like I have to get to know her and having her in my life is really important . I went back to my house , I do kind of like the calmness in our area which is particularly our land . But her house has the comfort , the warmth of a family . The minute I entered my house , I heared mom yell that they are waiting for me at the dining hall , and yes , its almost like a hall like its too big for us anyway . We could actually hold a big family party or whatever .

"Talking 'bout the devil , and the devil is here" Riley spoke loudly intending for me to hear , and I did . I turned towards her "What exactly do you mean? Be clear" she rolled her eyes and sat down . Are you kidding me? See , this is the reason I hate her soo much . Mom gestured me to sit and so I did .

"What? Is anyone gonna tell me?" I look at everyones faces , each of them had a I know something expression , except for Riley and Theodore , they had a smirk on their face , which only means one thing , whatever this is , they are the reason .

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