Chapter 6

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Jenny entered the restaurant nervously, not believing she was going through with it. A week ago, Dominic was just a mild-mannered unattractive but pleasant colleague. A nice guy, but not someone she wanted to date. He was now all she could think about after seeing him with Samantha and then even more so after what he did to her.

He was a dominant who liked women to have submissive sex with him. That side of Dominic turned her on like no other man had before. She had no idea why, but she did know how he made her feel and she didn't know if that was good or bad. All she knew was that her body craved it. The conflict between her mind and body had left her feeling exhausted.

The restaurant was a fashionable restaurant-bar kind of place. There was a bar where people were drinking cocktails or wine. If there were people drinking beer, Jenny couldn't see them. At the back, there was a restaurant which served Asian fusion dishes.

Jenny saw Dominic sitting at the bar, jealously guarding an empty bar stool next to him. Per his instructions, she wore a short dress that hugged her curves. High heels were at the end of her stocking-clad legs. She felt a little exposed but also sexy. It had been a long time since she had dressed like this for somebody else.

Dominic stood up and smiled when he saw Jenny. She felt her heart flutter when she saw him. His glasses were gone and his green eyes appeared to glow with a welcoming warmth in the lights of the bar.

"Hello, Dominic," Jenny said forcing herself to smile through her nerves.

"Remember what I told you to call me?" he told her sternly, his eyes changing tone to match his change of mood.

"Do we have to do this here?" Jenny asked her would-be dominant, feeling self-conscious as she eyed the other customers to see if anyone was watching them.

"Yes, we do," he replied in a way that said he expected Jenny to do what he wanted her to.

"Darling! Hello, Darling!" she said quickly and felt relief when the warmth returned to his eyes before she melted as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"You look beautiful," he told her.

"Thank you, Darling," she replied feeling happy that he had appreciated the effort she had put into her appearance. He then helped her onto the empty barstool. Jenny tugged down the hem of her dress anxiously to hide the tops of her stockings.

"Two Margaritas, please" Dominic requested politely from the bartender. Jenny opened her mouth as if to complain prompting Dominic to look at her with a challenging expression, daring her to voice her objection. It wasn't his look though that made her accept the Margarita. It was a feeling of contentment that came from someone looking after her. Someone taking a decision away from her. For the first time in her life, she felt safe.

"To us," Dominic said raising his glass. Jenny smiled back and clinked her glass to his.

Jenny enjoyed her night with Dominic. Naturally, Dominic chose what she ate and the wine. Most women would have been furious that their date would choose for them but Jenny was happy for him to do so. She imagined that she would have been happy for him to make these decisions anyway. She felt like the world had been lifted from her shoulders. Free from having to make decisions. She understood what Samantha had told her. It was exhilarating.

Dominic was a charming and attentive date. Jenny felt so carefree. She felt nothing could harm her. She never thought she could want this, but as she listened to Dominic and stared into those mesmerising green eyes she didn't think she could want anything more.

"Jenny! Jenny!" Jenny heard Dominic call to her worriedly. "Are you okay? You're spacing out."

"I'm sorry, Darling," she replied. Calling him "Darling" felt so natural now. "I think I've just had too much to drink."

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