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💌-Now I will update directly on Saturday or Sunday..
So till then complete the target.



Adrija's pov

I went to Trisha's house after arriving at the building and told her everything that happened.

Trisha was surprised and said
"I don't understand how they could do this. But Mellow is a very famous brand, and the opportunity to work there is rare. So, I think you should join them."

I asked
"But why they did this?"

Trisha replied
"Maybe it's just fate. But Mellow is a better company than Warya."

I am nervous about working at Mellow and asked
"Am I capable of working there?"

Trisha reassured me
"Of course, darling. You are capable and perfect just the way you are. Come on, let's celebrate and hang out today."

I declined the invitation
"No, I don't want to go out. I need to rest at home and prepare my mind to work there."

Trisha said
"Okay, no problem. Just be yourself, and you'll do great, my doll."

I said
   "Okay I am leaving now"

And left from there.

After reaching home

I took a long hot bath and calmed my mind.

After that I ordered food
To calm myself.

I said to myself
  "Okay, so again new change I hope everything will be fine there."

the day after tomorrow, I am joining that new company.
Tomorrow is my break.

I'll do a binge-watch K drama...


Okay, you can do it Adrija...

Next day~

Trisha came to my house around 7 am and said
   "I am going now but after I am back we will go somewhere okay?"

I said

I was not fully awakened.

When she left I again went to sleep.

After 4 hours my Boss called me for some documentation, I went there and completed all the procedures.

Trisha called me and said
    "i am coming to pick you up"

So here I am waiting for her in a coffee shop.

After 30min she arrived

We went to wonder London and enjoyed ourselves a lot.

We went to wonder London and enjoyed ourselves a lot

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