Chapter Ten - Crystalpaw

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Crystalpaw looked up, then smiled widely as she caught sight of Flickerpaw bouncing through the Grey World to meet her. He seemed to always be able to make his way here with or without her help, so her StarClan mentors decided that he would accompany her on missions and receive similar training - albeit only from Lionblaze and not Frostclaw. He still didn't know that the WindClan warrior was Crystalpaw's other mentor, and Lionblaze had no intention of telling him.

"He might give things away," Lionblaze had said. "Now that Frostclaw is basically a prisoner in his camp..."

"Yeah, I don't get it," Crystalpaw said. "Why exactly was it the right idea to kidnap the WindClan deputy at a Gathering? Is that really what StarClan wanted to do?"

Lionblaze winced. "Unfortunately, yes. StarClan sees no other option."

He hesitated. "Can I tell you something?"

Crystalpaw looked at him, surprised. "Of course."

"The reason why we chose to kidnap Frostclaw is not just because she's a valuable resource to her Clan... it's also Talonstar's feelings for her."

"Talonstar has feelings for her?"

"He was planning to confess after successfully conquering RiverClan. Yes he's on his last life, but he's not that old. Most of his lives were whittled away from sickness and useless battles."

"Okay," Crystalpaw said slowly. "What exactly am I supposed to do with that information?"

"I don't know," Lionblaze had shrugged. "Not tell her?"

Crystalpaw looked at him judgmentally. "Okay then."

"Hey, Crystalpaw!" Flickerpaw said, dragging her back to the present. "I'm still here."

She purred. "Of course. Just lost in thoughts. Come on, Flickerpaw, I'm going to show you my favourite place in the whole World."

"It's Flickerstorm now," he said, bounding after her. "I got my warrior name two days ago."

Crystalpaw stopped in her tracks. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks," he purred. "My friend Crescentpaw got her name a day after me - she's Crescentfur now."

"Well congratulations to her too," Crystalpaw said. "Now come on!"

They raced through the undergrowth, leaping over fallen logs and racing through what would be the equivalent of WindClan territory. Suddenly, Flickerstorm skidded across the grass and stopped.

"What is it?" Crystalpaw asked.

"Couldn't you spy on the WindClan camp?" Flickerstorm said. "Find out what they were planning?"

Crystalpaw shrugged. "I could watch them make dirt, but I can't hear anything they say. That's just how the Grey World works."

"Oh," Flickerpaw said, disappointed. "That's too bad."

"I know right? I wish I could. Now come on!"

After a while, they stopped beside the Moonpool.

"Is this your favourite place?" Flickerstorm breathed.

"Of course!" Crystalpaw exclaimed. "What better way to use the Grey World?"

She hurried down to the edge of the sparkling water, plunging in and purring with happiness. The water was pleasantly cool, refreshing after their long run, and super clear. She could see all the way to the bottom, the smooth, glimmering pebbles underneath that looked vibrant despite the dull grey colour of everything. The Moonpool was beautiful - for a moment, Crystalpaw wished she was a medicine cat so that she could visit the place in person, and not just in her dreams.

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