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Yeji POV

Yesterday morning, I thought my ex tying the knot would be the lowest thing to happen to me. I was so wrong. Somehow, my mission to escape thoughts of Jongin derailed me straight into the company of a person I'd been avoiding for years.

I drank with her, allowed her to drive me home, and gave her the keys to my house to escort me inside. She was in my bedroom, for Christ's sake.

Today's to-do list: research realtors and vacate my ass out of here ASAP.

While I shower, my head pounds with a reminder of every sip I took last night, praying Ryujin doesn't deliver her morning greeting. Maybe she'll see me as a weird freak she no longer wants to live next to.

Maybe she'll move.

Fingers crossed. Doubt it.

She pressed me for every detail about the morning Jongin had walked in on me. I don't know if it was the drinks I'd consumed or Ryujin seeming sincere for once in her life that drove me to spill the embarrassing story.

I get dressed and opt for flats rather than heels. It's easier to run in them. Operation Avoid Ryujin is now in full force, and my first mission is to sprint to my car as soon as I open my door. I find my bag on the couch and shuffle through it in search of my keys.


Maybe she left them in my car.

I suck in a calming breath and open my front door.

"Good morning!" Her voice is louder than usual, closer than usual, more annoying than usual.

I shriek, my coffee falling from my hand and splattering onto my porch, and my heart stops in my chest.

Ryujin is standing on my front porch, smiling in front of me.

My mouth drops open. "You've got to be kidding me," I mutter under my breath. I guess I didn't scare her away last night. "This is getting out of hand," I add when she bends down to pick up my coffee mug. "And stalker-like."

She sets the cup and lid on the porch railing, and there's mischief in her smile.

Oh shit.

"What? You spilling your coffee? It is clumsy, you know."

"No. You showing up at my door."

"I was in your bedroom last night."

"That doesn't sound less stalker-like."

Her smile turns playful. "Shut it. I didn't come over to admit I peeped through your windows. I came for reimbursement."

I blink. "I'm sorry, reimbursement?"

She nods. "Yes. It's time to pay your debt."

"Excuse me? I don't owe you shit unless it's a swift kick in the nuts for being on my property, uninvited."

She appears entertained while leaning back on her shoes. "I was invited last night. The invite is valid for a full twenty-four hours."

I roll my eyes. "Seriously?"

"Yes. You told me to stop by whenever I wanted, remember?"

I park my hands on my hips. "Those words left my mouth alongside the vomit?"

"You. Owe. Me. Now, I have a few options on payment."

I scoff, "I owe you for being a decent human being?"

She points to me and snaps her fingers. "Correct."

I clench my teeth and tap my foot. "I can't believe I'm entertaining this, but what are my options?"

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