
496 19 2

Yeji POV

I grab my phone from my desk when it beeps with a text.

Unknown: Hey, gorgeous.

I hit reply.

Me: Who is this?

I'm certain I know the answer to my question.

Unknown: Your favorite neighbor.

Me: Mrs. Kim?

Unknown: Let me elaborate. The neighbor who made you come last night.

Me: Mr. Kim?

The Kims are my eighty-year-old neighbors.

Unknown: Hmm... seems you need to be reminded of who your orgasms belong to. A do-over is in the works.

I sigh. I'd love for a do-over, but I'm not sure if sleeping with her would get in the way of my job.

Not to mention, what it would do to my heart. I vowed to never let Ryujin in my heart, and here I am, practically handing it over to her on a platter, ready for her to shatter it.

Me: What do you want, Ryujin?

Ryujin: This is a reminder of our dinner plans tonight.

Me: I don't need a reminder. I've been dreading it since this morning.

Ryujin: Aw. I'm looking forward to it, too. I'll pick you up at 6:30.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Me: Pick me up? You're coming to my house, remember?

Ryujin: Change of plans, sweetheart.

Me: I'm not going to your house or anywhere in public with you.

Ryujin: What about my parents'?


I wait for her response but nothing.

Yeri groaning drags my attention from the phone to her as she staggers into my office with her hands filled with file folders.

"Hey, here are the documents you asked for," she says.

I stand to gather some from her hands and settle them down on my desk while she does the same with hers. "Thank you."

Her eyes study me in interest. "Damn, you look hot this morning. You're sporting a special glow.

Did you finally bang Ryujin?" She winks and places one hand in a circular motion before putting her finger through it.

I came in early, so she lost her chance to interrogate me this morning.

"God, why do I like and employ you?"

"Because I'm awesome ... and my stalking skills are legit."

She leaves when my phone rings, and I pick it up, expecting it to be Ryujin, but it's someone I'd rather not talk to more than her. I roll my eyes before accepting the call.

"Hey, I need you to babysit," Joohyun says as soon as I answer. "I'll drop the kids off at five."

"I have plans."

"Seriously? I need you, Yeji. I need to work to make money to take care of my family like you've lectured me about."

I scoff. "Quit lying. Your boss sent me your


"That motherfucker," she hisses. "Fine, I have a date."

"So do I," I lie. I have to hang out with Ryujin.

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