Chapter 5 ~ Le Baiser

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Phil's P.O.V.

During my whole day at work all I could think of was Dan, it's like he's planted some like mind thing on me. I I guess it's just the way that we have so much in common. Well just 2 things but I'm sure there's more we just haven't discussed them yet. Just everything about him is perfect, his hair, those sparkling brown eyes, and even his interests. When our hands brushed I couldn't help but blush and I almost never blush. Maybe I actually have a cru- 'Phil you have a girlfriend remember? Sophie? You know the girl you bought a 500$ promise ring for yesterday.' Yeah but she didn't even like it I argued with myself. I was forced out of my thinking when I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say calmly.

The door slowly creaks open to reveal a very shy looking Dan hiding his face under his fringe. He looks so cute right now, I just want to walk up and-my internal thought gets cut off when Dan starts to speak.

" I uh was just um asking if um," he stutters while playing with the helm of his jumper then pulling his head up to look me in the eye. His cheeks turn a light red turns his head away from my gaze. "Never mind it was a stupid question anyway." He utters still playing with his jumper. I couldn't even focus enough to give him a response.

"Stop being so adorable its distracting me." I scold, quickly realizing what I'd just said and I feel my cheeks turn a dark red.

"What?" he replies confusion clear in his voice.

"What." I respond hoping he would just forget about it.

"I just said what, and you replied with what."

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever just forget about it." He says waving his hand dismissively while taking a seat in the green office chair. We both sit there in awkward silence for a while before I break it and bring up a conversation.

"So Dan, how did you first day go? Well I assume?" I ask confidentially, actually really scared of what he was going to say. What if the whole reason he came he was to quit because he didn't like it?

"It was great it almost felt as if I was just having another lazy day at home." He voices playing with his hand not looking at me."

"oh." And just like that our exchange ended. I then realized that I'm gonna have to carry the conversation if I want to talk to him. I make a mental note for the future and open my mouth to say something until he gets up from his chair and turns to face my desk, still not looking at me.

"Well I better be heading before it gets to dark too walk home." He speaks while giving a lazy smile. Then an idea pops in my head and my mouth starts moving before my brain.

"Oh, I can drive you of you want, it'd be no problem " I reply.

"No, no you don't have to go through so much trouble Phil its fine, I can walk but thank you for the offer." He says.

"Okay, but if you ever need a ride I'm right here." I say tapping on my desk. He flashes me a small smile and heads out of my office. Why can't I control my actions around him? First I tell him to stop being adorable, and now I'm offering to drive him home? What's gotten into my head? Even though my brain doesn't want to believe it I may just have a small, itty bitty, tiny, microscopic crush on Dan. Wait but does this make me Bi? Do I even like Sophie anymore?


Once I walk outside in the freezing fall air, I immediately regret not taking Phil's offer. I mean I can't just waltz back in his office and say "is that offer still open?" I'd look like an idiot, but my biggest confusion is why he offered me in the first place. I may not have that much work experience but I know for a fact that bosses just don't go around offering rides to their employees. As I stand there I can feel the temperature dropping as the sun falls behinds the mountains. I shiver tugging at the sleeves of my black jumper. Should I go back in? What if he's already left? What will he say? Ah fuck it, I'm not walking in this. Why didn't I bring my jacket? I turn around and head back in the building. I wander in jog to the lift. I shuffle awkwardly on one foot while waiting for it to reach the floor. The doors open and when I look up my eyes immediately dart to the floor and I feel my cheeks turn a light pink. I step in and move to the other side of the lift not making eye contact with the ebony haired male standing in front of me.

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