Chapter 9 ~ Emménager Avec Moi?

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Dan's P.O.V.

After breakfast me and Phil decided to cuddled up and watching scream 4, which terrified me but, I felt safe next to Phil. It was just getting to a very intense part where the girl was walking into the murder chamber,then the annoying noise of IOS Beginning rings though the room making both of us jump. Phil pauses the movie and I dig my phone out of my front pocket. I roll my eyes as soon as I see who's calling. What could my land lord possibly want and why didn't he just email me like he usually does? I click accept, still tangled up with Phil, and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say, clearly being able to pick out my uninterested tone.

"Hi Daniel, since you didn't reply to my last email, I decided to call you. I'm assuming you didn't read it cause you're not here in my office with your rent in my hand." He says.

"What do you mean I'm not there I still have like 4 days left." I exclaim. I look up at Phil my eyes meeting his concerned gaze.

"Yeah, you had 4 days left, but I reduced it to today because there's another client looking for an apartment and he is actually willing to pay his rent on time. I mean you would know this if you read the email I sent you, so anyway, you have before the end of the day to have all your stuff packed and out of the apartment or its going on the side of the road." And with that he hung up. I don't know what's going through my mind. I'm annoyed, angry, and sad all at the same time. This can't be happening, if I have to move then I have to go back to my parents and they live 8 hours away from here. Would that even work for me and Phil? What will he say? Will he dump me for struggling and not being able to pay my rent? I mean I've never told him my financial state but he's never asked either. Maybe he doesn't care? No, he defiantly cares, I wouldn't be good for his reputation at all. I feel tears start to sting my eyes. I haven't cried in a long time but, I have like 5 emotions going on at the same time and it's pretty unavoidable at this point. I quickly blink the tears back hoping Phil wouldn't notice but it's kind of useless since he's literally right next to me.

"Dan why are you crying?" he asks as his face scrunches up in concern. I hide my face away from his staring eyes. I try to speak but all that came out were breathy whimpers. { ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) } Instead of saying anything else, Phil pulls me into chest letting me cry on his shoulder as he rubbed circles into my back. After about 5 minutes I calm down.

"Now Dan could you tell me what's wrong?"He whispers calmly in my ear.

"I don't want to leave you." I say softly

"I don't want to leave you either Dan but is that really all the problem?"

"I know it sounds silly since we've only started going out and we've probably only know each other for a total of 3 weeks or more but it's just I've never met someone who could be my best friend at one moment and my caring lover the next.Ever since you saved me from almost getting crushed by a truck my life has been a complete adventure and I can't wait for the ones in the future if there will be one." I say between small sniffs.

"But that still doesn't explain why you said you don't want to leave me." I take a deep breath.

"That person that just called was my land lord, he basically called me saying I've been kicked out of my apartment and I have less than the rest of the day to get my stuff. I don't have any where to go besides my parents house and that's 8 hours away." I reply.

"And what makes you think you don't have anywhere to go?" he asks

"Well I don't have enough money to afford anything else and you're probably going to break up with me because someone as rich as you wouldn't possibly want to be seen with someone like me." Phil starts to laugh making me feel worse. After he finishes he'll probably just throw me out. Phil's face grows serious as he sees my again sadden expression. He moves my head towards him so he could look me straight in the eye.

"Daniel James Howell I don't care how much money you make, what clothes you wear, or how expensive your car is. I'm dating you because you're you and some stupid apartment eviction isn't gonna change that. You could literally be living in a box and that still wouldn't change the way I feel about you. Plus even if we weren't dating there is no way I'd let you move 8 hours away when our journey has literally just begun." He says smiling. Instead of replying I lean over and give him a short kiss.

"So Dan, wanna move in with me?" he questions breaking the kiss.

"As roommates?"

"As roommates." he states.

"Maybe we should go get your stuff now." He announces while standing up and untangling himself from me. I nod in agreement and we head to the garage , out the gates of his house. On the way there Phil called a moving truck and a team of movers; even though I pleaded we could just do it ourselves. I eventually gave up because he gave me one of those prized poppy dog face. That sneaky little shit. As we pull up to my apartment the moving team and truck was already there waiting in the parking lot. Phil goes to talk to them and he told me to go on and start putting all my personal items in boxes. I walk to my apartment and into my room to start folding my clothes. After a few minuets I hear someone walk in.

"Your room is exactly how you described it, dark but not gloomy, too bad we have to pack it all up." He spoke up.

"Yeah it is, but at least I'm not going back to my parents." Phil was just about to respond when one of the men comes in saying I had a visitor. Both of us look at each other in confusion. Why would anyone want to visit me and why at such an inconvenient time? We both walk out of my room and into the small lounge. Phil went to pack up some of my movies and games and I walk to the door opening it up. When it opens all the way, there stands the blonde haired emerald eyed girl, that I never wanted to see again, with her head down and her hands paying with the ends of her jumper.


{AN: This chapter is a little dramatic but you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Hope yah enjoyed it and yeah Until next time loves bye.}


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