Chapter 10

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"And so, as the day drew to a close, Daisy's story would be whispered among the reeds and recounted in the rustling leaves – a timeless tale of courage, acceptance, and the enduring power of love. The end." 

Iris closed the book to the sound of snores. 

She brushed Amalie's bangs out of her eyes, melting at the sight of her head being halfway off the pillow Fluffy was sprawled out and asleep on. 

While the gabat's antennae peacefully rose and fell, the girl's arms were shoved underneath the pillow, as though she were trying to fly in her dreams. 

"Sleep well, Melda-iel." 

"She will. Ten cauldrons could explode in here and that kid would sleep right through it." 

Leaning against the doorframe with arms folded over his chest, wearing a soft smile and a dress shirt that had the first two buttons undone was Caleb. 

Iris immediately sat the book on the nightstand. "Back so soon?" 

He silently gestured for her to follow him. "Let's say I was... ready to go home." 

"That sounds like it's time for whiskey." 

She was halfway to the kitchen cabinets, summoning a stool as she crossed the tile floor, before she asked, "Is this going to be a single shot conversation, or should I just bring the bottle?" 

"Just one shot," the man called from the balcony. "Seriously, Lia. He was boring." 

"Whole bottle. Got it." 

"What are you doing?" Caleb hissed into the dark apartment. "I'm fine." 

Iris paused her rummaging. "You said 'Lia'. That is a stage three emergency at the least, so you might as well stop lying." 

When she placed two glasses on the counter and moved to open the refrigerator door, Caleb's expression was torn between exasperation and amusement. 

"That also means," she continued, "if you don't want your poor excuse for a date to get hexed into the next century within the hour, I need to be unable to walk straight." 

Caleb's chocolate brown eyes immediately started dancing. 

"Is that right?" 

Iris grabbed the nearest object she could get her hands on. It just so happened to be a wooden spoon. "You. Get your head out of the gutter right now!" 

The man broke out into snickers. "Well, you did say you didn't want to walk straight..." 

"Oh, my gods. What am I going to do with you?" 

He shrugged, taking his first steps back into the apartment and ticking off his list on his fingers. "Love me. Put up with me for all eternity. You know, those pesky little details that are in the fine print when you decide to get tangled up with a guy." 

"I did not sign up for a lifetime of immature word-twisting." 

Caleb's grin was unrepentant. "Sure, you did. I just told you those details were in the fine print." 

"I want a redraft." 

Placing his palms on the counter that divided the kitchen from the living room, he said, "Sorry. The terms and conditions of being stuck with me are ironclad. No amendments."

This man was just impossible. 

"Cale... do you want the leftover O negative with your stupid whiskey or something stronger?"

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