Chapter 20

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Through the corn stalks, she spied the wizard whose shirt was loosely untucked, cravat nowhere to be found, and sleeves rolled up to the elbows angrily shove the mirror glass in his pocket.

Fluffy and Iris looked at each other and then back to the scene before them.

He swore under this breath and paced like a manticore trapped in a cage, running his hand through his already chaotic hair.

The first time he glanced her way gave Iris pause.

Fluffy clamped her hands over her mouth and dove into Iris's hair.

He suspected they were there.

This was also the first glimpse of how dangerous he could be since returning to this time.

Then again—so was she.

Owen rubbed the back of his neck and rolled shoulders that seemed as if the entire world was sitting on them.

His sharp gaze landed on her spot within the crops again. This time, it sparked a mixture of pride and heat within her.

"You can come out now."

Down, Iris, she thought. What are you, a teenage girl?

She popped out of the corn with her hands clasped behind her. "Am I losing my touch already?"

Fluffy popped out of her hair and climbed on top of her head just to lean down in front of her face to give her a look that said, seriously, woman?

Iris dug an acorn out of her pocket and handed it to her with pursed lips in a silent we-will-talk-later.

Owen slowly shook his head. "No. I just know you."

Crossing straight through the creek, she tried to make light of the situation. "Well, it certainly isn't a good day to be Smith, is it?"

He gave her a strained smile. "Maybe not, but it's not a good day to be you, either. Today's just a bittersweet one to be me."

Iris took the last few steps to reach his side.

In these tall fields, surrounded by the hidden creatures of the night, under a holy moon, the sharp and witty eyes she adored looked haunted.

Evidence of sleepless nights looked more prominent. His face seemed even slimmer, somehow; his strong shoulders more tense.

Iris turned him to face her only to find, within him, a burning man clinging to his damnation. She gripped his shoulders tighter.

Fluffy crossed the bridge Iris's arm made and poked Owen's cheek. With a twig.

Where did that even come from?

"I'll be okay, Fluffy," he said quietly.

The gabat tapped her foot on his shoulder and started rapidly chattering at him in a scolding tone.

Owen pressed his lips together to keep from showing his amusement and antagonizing her further.

Before the gabat could really lay into him, Iris caught her attention. "You know, Fluff," she said, stopping the gabat mid-rant. "I think I saw a pair of beige antennae over there."

Fluffy practically spun on the wizard's shoulder to face the direction Iris pointed.

"Why don't you go check it out," the half-witch encouraged. "It might very well be a new friend for you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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