Brief Break

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  Hey guys! 

  First and foremost, I want to thank everyone that has been reading, liking, and commenting on this story so far. I know the premise is a bit weird if you haven't read or seen The Old Guard (which I highly recommend), but thank you for giving it a chance anyways.

  Now, I'm going to be taking a small hiatus from this story for about a month or so. I originally wanted to do all the movies in one long run, but I realized that I don't really have the steam to keep going like that through the 5 movies that I plan on having this story cover. So, once I finish a movie, I'll be taking a month long break to write up some chapters so that you can get them on a consistent schedule when it comes back. I'm sorry if any of the previous chapters felt rushed, it was a result of the burnout

  Please make sure to vote and comment, and once again, thank you for reading!

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