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"Is that why you didn't talk to me after you left the hospital? I thought you didn't want to see me after I proposed going back to your school in Hiraya."

He shook his head. "It's not that. I needed time to gather my thoughts."

The truth was, he hadn't regained all his memories since he woke up and saw her in the hospital room.

He remembered being with his parents.

He remembered how Theodore Lockhart IV took care of him with Iris. That man looked like a genuinely affectionate husband and a responsible father. Theodore thought it was just an imagination he had while asleep in the hospital.

He just couldn't believe that he had actually felt a father's embrace before.

From those little memories alone, Theodore thought he had had a pretty good childhood with his mom and dad.

His memories shifted from scenes with his parents to scenes with Jade and Jinx.

"Dude, you're always sick every time I visit," the young Jinx said. "But when my dear cousin visits alone, you're suddenly feeling well."

"Or maybe your timing is just unfortunate," young Theodore reprimanded. "I'm not sick all the time, you know."

Young Jinx crossed his arms over his chest. "Anyway, I won't be staying long."

"Where's Jade, by the way?"

The older one smiled teasingly. "Why? Miss her?"

"No," he lied.

"She's sulking. Her parents said she needed to stay home for a while because someone was tailing Aunt Leila. She's in her room, saying she wants her freedom." Jinx chuckled. "Poor kid."

"Why are you allowed to go outside?"

Jinx smirked. "I'm not part of the hunt. Whatever the Sinclairs have against other people, my mom, Pene, and I don't have any part in it. My brother's doing his best to protect his family, though." He sat down beside Theodore on the couch. "The housemaids said Philip's hiring a number of bodyguards for Jade."

"That must be tiring," Theodore replied. "She'll always sulk once she knows she's about to be guarded."

The older one shrugged. "It's for the best. Anyway, I came here to tell you that this might be the last time I'll visit."

Theodore frowned. "Why?"

"Jade. Bodyguards. Mom is getting out of the country once again for another movie."

"You're tasked with guarding the penthouse again?" Jinx nodded. "But doesn't that mean that you can go out whenever you can? Since she's not around with you?"

"She also has bodyguards for me, kid. They're lying low when she's around. They're extra strict when she's not. I could go out sometimes, but I don't want her to know that I'm spending more time outside than at home when she's out."

"Can't I just go to your penthouse?"

Young Jinx smiled bitterly. "The thing is... the penthouse is in Cerise. I only spent the summer at the Sinclair's mansion. Now that summer's over, I need to go back to Hiraya."

Theodore looked up, his lips still frowning. "I can't make mom bring me there. Dad would be furious if I went out of the city without him either."

"Maybe Jade could visit you again. I heard your birthday's about to come."

"Yeah, we have the same birthdate, Jade and I."

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