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Leila Sinclair stood tall in front of her fellow guests, her attention split between Kieran's words and the subtle movements of those around her. As soon as Kieran mentioned the investigation, she felt a pang of disappointment wash over her. She couldn't help but notice how quickly some pairs of eyes darted towards her sister, Astra, and among them was her own daughter's gaze.

Turning to Astra, Leila searched her sister's expression for any hint of solidarity or relief. But what she found instead was perplexing—a smile gracing Astra's lips. It was a smile that seemed out of place, almost forced, given the gravity of the situation. Leila furrowed her brow, her concern growing with each passing moment.

Growing up alongside Astra had given Leila a keen insight into her sister's emotions. They had weathered their fair share of storms together, often under the watchful eye of their strict mother, Leira Sinclair. Their upbringing had been marked by constant comparison—grades, class standings, even the neatness of their beds—all subject to their mother's scrutiny.

Leila's mind drifted back to a particular memory, one that now seemed to carry more weight in light of Astra's current demeanor. It was the night she had stumbled upon Astra sneaking out of the manor, well past midnight. Leila had been on her way to the kitchen for a late-night snack, her mind preoccupied with exam preparations. The sight of Astra outside the kitchen window had stopped her in her tracks.

"Going somewhere?" Leila had asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

Astra had turned to face her, her features betraying no hint of guilt or surprise. "Somewhere that does not concern you," she had replied, her tone oddly neutral.

Leila had hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to press further. But a sense of loyalty to her sister had prevailed. "I won't tell this to mom, you know," she had assured Astra, the words slipping out before she could second-guess herself.

Her sister smiled. "I'm not sure about that, Miss Goody Two Shoes."

Now, as she observed Astra's enigmatic smile, Leila couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her sister's demeanor than meets the eye. The memory of that night lingered in her mind, casting a shadow of doubt over their current circumstances. Leila knew that whatever secrets Astra was harboring, they were bound to unravel in due time.

Despite the weight of Kieran's words hanging in the air, Astra stood with an air of confidence, her posture straight, her gaze unwavering as it locked with Leila's own. The smile plastered on her sister's face seemed almost too polished, too rehearsed for the gravity of the situation. Commonly, people who are nervous act the opposite.

For most people, such a display of assurance might inspire trust or admiration, but Leila knew better. She had spent years observing Astra, studying the subtle nuances of her behavior. It was a skill she had honed since the day their mother had decided to adopt Astra when they were just sixteen.

Initially, Leila had felt a sense of caution around her new stepsister. It seemed that trouble had a way of finding Leila, leaving her battered and bruised even before she had been assigned bodyguards for protection. Meanwhile, Astra seemed to glide through life unscathed, untouched by the misfortunes that plagued Leila. It wasn't that Leila wished harm upon her stepsister, but she couldn't shake the feeling that the world—or perhaps the universe's cruel sense of fate—was unfairly biased against her.

Astra, with her poise and grace, could have easily been an heir in her own right, Leila had once mused. So why was it always Leila who bore the brunt of the attacks, the threats, the attempts on her life?

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