Chapter 34

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"Are you nervous?" Hyunjin asked Felix as he noticed the younger wiping his palms on his trousers. They were standing outside the brunette's house with Chan as they waited for one of the maids or Hyunjn's mom to open door, or maybe even Taehyung if he was even inside.

"A little, this is my first having a proper family time with yours." Felix replied. "Do I look fine?" The blonde looked up at his boyfriend and brother who both nodded in unison.

"Yeah I think you a little more than fine Lix." Hyunjin winked. "I don't know why you're stressing out, it'll be fine. I promise."

"Some promises don't work Hyunjin." Felix said. The door opened and the blonde's eyes widen but turned into a sigh of relief as it was Taehyung.

"Hey guys come in." The older brunette stepped aside to let the three males inside the house. They walked to the dining room where Hyunjn's mother was waiting for them as she set up the food.

"Hey boys, take a seat." She motioned them over to the chairs and the the four boys sat in the seats. Felix sat in the middle between Chan and Hyunjn while his brother and mother sat on the opposite sides. Hyunjin's father just came in as he kissed his wife's cheek and sat down beside her. "Sorry I'm late."

Mrs Hwang walked over and set up the plates of food on the table which was already loaded with more plates of delicious cooked goods. Felix smiled at the sight in front of him. "Wow Mrs Hwang these look really good." The blonde commented.

Mrs Hwang smiled. "Thank you Felix, you can dig in, take how much you want."

The four boys began to load up their plates of food. The brunette looked up at his chewed on his food, seeing Felix helping himself to some tteokbokki. He took a bite as the brunette watched, Hyunjin chuckled as he wiped a bit of the tteokbokki sauce that was on his face.

The blonde turned to face Hyunjin and smiled. "You had a bit of sauce on you." Hyunjin said. Felix picked a mouthful of tteokbokki with his chopsticks and turned back to Hyunjin as he motioned to open his mouth which the brunette did so.

"Is it nice?" Felix said. The brunette, too busy eating, gave a thumbs up as he patted the youngers. "Delicious." Hyunjin replied as he swallowed. "Next time don't give a whole mouthful." He chuckled.

"So how is school going?" Mrs Hwang asked as the two intimate moment finished. Mr Hwang continued to eat as he watch the interaction take place, he had an announcement to make but was better to be polite first.

"School is good." Felix said. "Like I always say, Hyunjin is a great tutor even if we haven't been doing it for some time but I am passing my exams and getting the grades I need which I'm happy."

Mrs Hwang smiled at her son. "I'm proud of you Hyunjin." She turned over to Chan. "And how are you Chris?" She said in English.

"I'm good thanks." Chan replied. "How is work going for you Mrs Hwang?" The older blonde said.

"I'm feeling much better and I have gone back to work, it's going great of course, we have more products lined up and ready."

Felix's head looked up fast as he smiled happily as if he remembered something. "That reminds me Mrs Hwang, I have your products at home, my mom loves them as well so much. I told her about you and she was really happy."

Mrs Hwang laughed as she took a sip of her wine. "Well tell your mom I give her my thanks, you can have some of the new products, I'll give it to you later on." She then got up and handed her plate over to the maid. "I'm off now, are you boys staying here?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm going out with Jungkook and Chan is coming with us, we're going to the bar."

"Don't come home too late." Mr Hwang said as he took a sip of his drink. "And don't stay at the bar for too long. Remember what happened last time."

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